AEW Dark Results - Brian Cage almost suffers surprise loss, Taz snaps, Singles debut, and more (22nd June 2021)

The latest AEW Dark episode opened with Varsity Blonds cutting a backstage promo with Alex Marvez ahead of their singles matches later on tonight. Brian Pillman Jr. had messages for Miro and his opponent on Dark, Bear Bronson.
Excalibur and Taz welcomed the fans next and addressed the dynamic of Team Taz. They threw it down to Justin Roberts, who introduced Lance Archer for the first match of the show.
Lance Archer vs. Rex Lawless on AEW Dark
Lance Archer knocked Lawless off his feet with an aggressive Lou Thesz Press. The Murderhawk Monster seemed to be in a hurry!
Jake Roberts joined the commentary team as Lawless connected with a clothesline in the corner. Archer got back with a crossbody followed by a short-arm clothesline.
Archer placed Lawless on top before rocking him down with a clothesline, a page out of the legendary Stan Hansen's book. Archer took his time and soaked in the chants as he approached Rex Lawless.
Rex got up and connected with two right-hand strikes. Archer still no-sold the punches and planted Lawless with a Full Nelson Slam. As expected, Lance wrapped up the match with the Blackout (Kneeling Iconoclasm).
Result: Lance Archer def. Rex Lawless on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Bear Bronson on AEW Dark
Pillman Jr. got a side headlock to start the match, but Bronson reacted with a shoulder tackle off the ropes. Bronson missed a senton and got kicked in the back.
Bear Bronson got up to his feet but somehow landed on the outside and ate a baseball dropkick. Julia Hart kicked off a Pillman chant as the Varsity Blond member was flattened by Bronson back in the ring.
Bronson's offense wasn't pretty on the eye as he punished Pillman with clubbing blows to the back. The Varsity Blond landed a few solid rights before dropping Bronson with a big elbow strike. He used the momentum to ground Bronson with a full body slam.
He scored a two-count with a leaping crossbody off the top turnbuckle. Pillman then reversed the suplex and set Bronson up for the springboard clothesline to win the AEW Dark match.
Result: Brian Pillman Jr. def. Bear Bronson on AEW Dark
Grade: B