
AEW Dark Results: Former WWE Superstar and Japanese wrestler suffer defeat on debuts; Malakai Black called out; Toni Storm in the main event (May 4, 2022)

What went down on AEW Dark this week?
What went down on AEW Dark this week?

Welcome to episode 141 of AEW Dark, which aired live from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

As many as nine matches went down on the show featuring top names like Toni Storm and Shawn Spears, to name a few.

Now, without further ado, let's dive straight into the results for AEW Dark.

Match 1: Ryan Nemeth w/ "Pretty" Peter Avalon vs. John Silver on AEW Dark

And #DarkOrder's @SilverNumber1 gets the victory in our opening bout of #AEWDark! Don't miss this stacked episode: ▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/UKkjjbn7fZ

John Silver and Ryan Nemeth kicked things off with Colar and Elbow Tie Up. The Dark Order member gained an early advantage with a shoulder tackle followed by a dropkick.

Silver tossed Nemeth across the other side of the ring as the latter sneaked out of the ring. The Hollywood Hunk tricked Silver and tangled him with a ring skirt. Back inside the ring, Nemeth used multiple knee strikes on Silver's chest.

Nemeth continued to dominate as he applied a waist lock takedown on Silver. The latter fired back with a slap on his opponent's chest, but Nemeth stomped Silver to keep him down on the mat. He then poked The Dark Order member's eye.

Nemeth speared Silver in the corner for a two-count. The former continued to batter Silver. The latter blocked Nemeth's forearm and put him down with multiple clotheslines.

The Dark Order member hit Nemeth with a back body drop. Silver then dropped Nemeth with a Sit-Out Powerbomb for a two-count. With both men back on their feet, Silver executed Enzuigiri on Nemeth. He followed it up with a clothesline for another two-count.

The Hollywood Hunk recovered and dropped Silver on his head with a DDT. Nemeth. The two men collided in the corner, with Silver delivering Frankensteiner from the top turnbuckle.

With a kick on the back of Nemeth's head and The Spin Doctor, Silver clinched the victory.

Winner: John Silver

Grade: C

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Toni Storm to hype up the latter and Ruby Soho's tag team match against Dr. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter on AEW Rampage.

Match 2: Anthony Henry & JD Drake vs. The Varsity Blondes w/Julia Hart on AEW Dark

Great combination offense by the #VarsityBlonds to score the win tonight in this competitive tag team match on #AEWDark!
▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/SaYhn2E5qo

The Workhorsemen jumped on The Varsity Blondes to start the match. Brian Pillman Jr. dropkicked Henry, followed by an arm drag. Garrison tagged in and tried to apply a wrist lock and arm drag combination.

Pillman came in, but Henry dragged him into his corner as Drake got the tag. Pillman hit multiple chops on the former's chest.

With a slight distraction from Henry, Drake threw Pillman outside the ring. Henry took advantage as he dropped Pillman with a running leg lariat in the arena. Back inside the ring, Drake delivered a BodySlam on Pillman.

Henry kicked Pillman in the back. Drake hit the former with a Belly-to-Belly.

He went for The Vader Bomb but missed it completely. Meanwhile, The Workhorsemen tried a Double Verticle Suplex on Pillman, but the latter blocked and sent the two men crashing onto each other.

Garrison got the tag and splashed the two men in the corner. He delivered a big boot on Drake. Garrison pulled off a Flying Plancha on The Workhorsemen outside the ring.

Garrison then hit a Crossbody on Henry. Both teams continued to brawl inside the ring. The Workhorsemen double-teamed up, hitting Garrison with a knee into the corner, followed by Drake delivering a Cannonball Senton.

Garrison avoided a Moonsault from Drake. The Varsity Blondes with a Dropkick/Facebuster Combination offense on Henry to pick up the win.

Winner: The Varsity Blondes

Grade: C

Tony Schiavone and The Varsity Blondes w/Julia Hart standing in the middle of the ring. Brian Pillman Jr. sent a stern message to The House of Black, asking the stable if they're so desperate to get Hart, come and get her!

March 3: Shawn Spears vs. Lord Crewe on AEW Dark

The C4 gets the victory for #TheChairman @ShawnSpears tonight on #AEWDark! Don't miss a single minute of the action tonight:
▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/xdfpinsrHa

The two men exchanged Collar and Elbow Tie-ups to kickstart the match. Spears struck a forearm on the back of Crewe. The latter grabbed Spears into the corner and chopped on his chest, followed by a knee strike across the ring.

Outside the ring, Silver caught Crewe with a backdrop on the apron. The Pinnacle member battered Crewe.

He put him across the corner and chopped him. The two men then exchanged multiple forearm strikes.

Shawn Spears planted The C4 with Lord Crewe to pick up a pinfall victory.

Winner: Shawn Spears

Grade: D

Match 4: Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Jay Lucas & Terry Yaki on AEW Dark

High velocity spear by @starkmanjones gets the victory! #TeamTaz are looking sharp and focused as they climb the tag team division ranks with another W to their name!
▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/bkm0qWbbSt

Starks and Yaki attempted a face-lock and side-lock to kickstart the match. The former hit a shoulder tackle and an arm drag to take down Yaki.

Starks struck with a forearm and chopped Yaki across the ring. The two men displayed great athleticism in the ring. Hobbs got the tag and delivered a The Delayed Vertical Toss on Yaki.

Team Taz double-teamed on Yaki. Hobbs hit a forearm and knee strike on his opponent. Lucas tagged in and struck multiple forearms on Hobbs. The latter squashed Yaki and Lucas across the corner.

Starks delivered a Spear on his opponent to pick up the win.

Winner: Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs

Grade: C

Match 5: Julia Hart vs. Jacey Love on AEW Dark

.@TheJuliaHart making a statement with that dominant victory over @thejaceylove tonight on #AEWDark! How will things go down tomorrow night on #AEWDynamite, when Julia comes face to face with the #HouseOfBlack after they attacked her months ago?
▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/XZmAFdccwc

Julia Hart connected with a knee strike and smashed Jacey Love's head into the mat.

Hart battered Love into the corner, followed by a back elbow drop. Outside the ring, Hart shattered Love's spine into the ring apron. The latter dodged a clothesline from Hart and hit her with a JawBreaker.

Jacey Love struck multiple forearms, but Hart recovered quickly. She made Love tap out to The Head Scissors submission.

Winner: Julia Hart

Grade: D

Match 6: Tony Nese w/Mark Sterling vs. Leon Ruff on AEW Dark

Accompanied by @MarkSterlingEsq, the #PremierAthlete @TonyNese faces @LEONRUFF_ who makes his #AEW debut. Tune in here for tonight's episode of #AEWDark! ▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/waB8HxzBSw

Tony Nese applied a waist lock takedown to debutant Leon Ruff. The former battered Ruff with a chop in the corner.

Ruff used amazing athleticism with ropes to dropkick Nese. The latter sent Ruff on the turnbuckles multiple times across the ring.

Mark Sterling poked the debuting star's eye out behind the referee's back. Ruff caught Nese with a JawBreaker.

The former avoided a springboard splash from Nese.

The two men traded blows back and forth. Tony Nese delivered The Running Knee in the corner to pick up the victory.

Winner: Tony Nese

Grade: C

Match 7: Angelico vs. Yuya Uemura on AEW Dark

.@AngelicoAAA gets the victory over @Im_YuyaUemura with a vicious leg submission in this fantastic match full of technical exchanges here on #AEWDark!
▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/8EK2nGSXID

The two men focused on applying wrist locks, headlocks, and armbars on each other to begin the match.

Uemura shoulder tackled Angelico to continue the action. The latter then dropped him with a kick in the face. The Japanese star hit a chop on Angelico's chest.

Angelico dropped him with a basement dropkick. Uemura caught his opponent with a backdrop for a two-count. After the two men exchanged blows back and forth, Angelico applied The Navarro Death Roll submission to make the Japanese star tap out.

Winner: Angelico

Grade: D

Match 8: Dante Martin vs. Invictus Khash on AEW Dark

A picture perfect Nose-Dive by @lucha_angel1 scores him the victory here on #AEWDark! Catch tonight's episode right here: ▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/u4uVQAqdQ3

Invictus Khash applied a wristlock, but Dante Martin reversed it with an armbar. The latter displayed great agility and dropkicked Khash. Outside the ring, Khash smashed Martin's head into the ring post.

Dante Martin delivered multiple forearms on Invictus Khash in the corner. The latter caught him with Hammerlock Bodyslam for a two count.

Martin hit Khash with double clotheslines, followed by a Flying Crossbody. The latter dropped Martin with a Shoulder Breaker.

Dante Martin, later on, landed with The Nose Dive to score the win.

Winner: Dante Martin

Grade: C

After the match, Tony Schiavone announced Dante Martin would face Rey Fenix in the Owen Hart qualifier on AEW Dynamite this week.

Match 9: Diamante vs. Toni Storm on AEW Dark (Main Event)

Main Event time on #AEWDark: #ToniStorm faces @DiamanteLAX! Tune in right here! ▶️ youtu.be/WNaATPPfZ0g https://t.co/OG2cZlxkVp

Toni Storm and Diamante applied for the Collar and Elbow Tie-up. The former WWE Superstar delivered a dropkick on her opponent.

Diamante hit a back elbow to Storm's jaw. She then snapped Storm's neck on the top rope. She dropkicked the Australian star to send her outside the ring. The two women exchanged blows, with Diamante sending Storm onto the steel steps.

Diamante applied Camel Clutch to Storm. The former caught Storm with multiple German Suplex's for a two-count.

She then slapped Storm twice, provoking the latter to plant the German Suplex on Diamante. Storm hit a DDT on her opponent for a two-count. The two women went back and forth for multiple roll-ups.

Diamante caught Storm with Standing Slice Bread for another two counts. Toni Storm dropped her opponent with Storm Zero to keep her winning streak alive.

Winner: Toni Storm

Grade: B

You can watch the full episode of AEW Dark below:

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