
AEW Fight For The Fallen Results: Chaotic finish to main event; Top faction member suffers horrific injury

A wild night at AEW Fight For The Fallen
A wild night at AEW Fight For The Fallen

AEW Fight for the Fallen had some major matches on the card. Of course, the main event was a hellacious war between the Hardcore King Nick Gage and former AEW World Champion Chris Jericho.

The Dark Order and Hangman Page looked to earn shots at the AEW World Championship and AEW Tag Team Titles in an epic ten-man match against The Elite.Willd Hangman Page finally reach the top of the mountain after tonight?

All that, plus Christian Cage and Jurassic Express in six-man action, Thunder Rosa in singles competition, and the FTW Champion Ricky Starks celebrating his win over Brian Cage, and more.

Our opening contest for AEW was a strong one, as we saw The Elite take on Hangman Page and the Dark Order.

Hangman Page and The Dark Order (Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver) vs The Elite (Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and The Good Brothers) at AEW Fight for the Fallen

Hangman Page seemed ready to start things off with the AEW World Champion. However, Karl Anderson pulled Kenny Omega back, opting to face the Cowboy himself. Page tossed Anderson overhead with a fallaway slam, but a distraction from The Young Bucks allowed Omega to attack Page from behind.

A ten-man brawl ensued, with The Dark Order getting the better of The Super Elite with tandem suplexes. They all brawled to the floor, leaving Alex Reynolds and Nick Jackson on top. Reynolds superplexed Jackson to the floor, laying everyone out ringside.

Back in the ring, though, Reynolds was hammered by the AEW World and Tag Team Champions and the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Champions. That was until he avoided big Doc Gallows. The Dark Order and Hangman Page hit Gallows with a series of clotheslines, and nearly got a pin on Karl Anderson.

Gallows broke it up, allowing Anderson to roll up Reynolds for the first elimination.

Karl Anderson eliminated Alex Reynolds.

Evil Uno came in next and was joined by Hangman Page, John Silver, and Stu Grayson. Anderson was taken out by Grayson and Uno's Fatality, evening up the odds.

Evil Uno eliminated Karl Anderson.

Matt Jackson entered the match as the AEW crowd erupted in "Johnny hungry" chants. John Silver tossed Matt around the ring. During the break, The Dark Order continued to punish him as Kenny Omega mugged for the camera.

Eventually, Matt tagged out to Doc Gallows, but the big man accidentally caught him with a big boot. Stu Grayson hammered the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion with a series of elbows and nearly hit the backbreaker. Gallows escaped but was hit with a Pele kick. After a 450 Splash, Omega broke the pin up for his partner.

Silver ran in, hitting Omega with Sliced Bread No. 2. Gallows ran wild, rocking everyone with uppercuts before being tossed to the floor. Stu Grayson found the majority of The Elite on the outside, hitting a springboard corkscrew press.

Grayson and Gallows fought into the crowd where Stu hit Doc with a flying press. At that point, though, they were both counted out.

Stu Grayson and Doc Gallows were both eliminated by count-out.

Kenny Omega and Evil Uno were the legal men, with Uno hitting an impressive hurricanrana on Omega. Uno followed with a swinging flatliner for a near fall. Uno moved up top for the Senton Bomb, but Omega got his knees up.

Omega followed up with the V-Trigger. After that, it was the One Winged Angel and a 1-2-3.

Kenny Omega eliminated Evil Uno.

John Silver rushed the ring and speared Matt Jackson, but the AEW Tag Champion cut his momentum off with an eye gouge. Nick tagged in for a running knee in the corner and bulldog combination. Silver fought back with right hands but was nearly decapitated with a leg lariat.

After a commercial break, we returned to Silver hitting a spinout powerbomb on Matt Jackson. During the break, The Bucks powerbombed Hangman Page on the apron, but Silver was on fire.

A series of kicks stunned Nick, but Omega ran in for the V-Trigger. A superkick from Nick rocked him, and a straight jacket German from Omega spiked him. A Meltzer Driver bounced Silver's head off the floor.

Back in the ring, The Bucks connected with the BTE Trigger.

Matt Jackson eliminated John Silver.

Hangman Page met Silver on the apron, thanking him for his efforts tonight. It was three-on-one, with Page against the AEW World and AEW Tag Team Champions. Omega tagged in, wanting Page for himself.

Omega spat in the face of Hangman, leading to a punching trade. Page ate a V-Trigger but responded with a rolling forearm. The Bucks came in with double superkicks, leaving Omega to hit the snapdragon. The Bucks and Omega hit a trio of superkicks in stereo, but it wasn't enough to put Page away.

A 450 Splash connected, but Nick Jackson still couldn't put Hangman down. Next up was Omega, who was decleated with a lariat. Page took down the Young Bucks with a double clothesline. As The Elite recovered on the floor they were hit with Page's moonsault.

Back in the ring, former AEW Tag Champions turned bitter enemies, Page and Omega brawled again. Page spiked Omega with a powerbomb, but Nick Jackson broke up the pin. Page rocked The Young Bucks with a double Buckshot Lariat, eliminating Matt Jackson.

Hangman Page eliminated Matt Jackson.

Omega was spiked with the Dead Eye but just kicked out. Next up was the Buckshot Lariat, but Nick Jackson held Page on the apron. With the ref distracted, the IMPACT Wrestling Title was bounced off of Page's head.

Next up was the V-Trigger and the One Winged Angel, giving AEW World Champion Kenny Omega a victory over Hangman Page.

Results: Kenny Omega defeated Hangman Page via pinfall at AEW Fight for the Fallen.

Grade: B

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