
AEW Rampage Results: Christian Cage deceives former protégé, massive upset, 7-time WWE Tag Team Champion joining rival faction?

Welcome to this week's edition of AEW Rampage results. The show featured four matches and multiple segments before Full Gear 2022.

So without further ado, let's begin:

Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Jungle Boy segment on AEW Rampage

"Jungle Boy" Jack Perry @boy_myth_legend faces off with @Christian4Peeps and his Right Hand of Destruction @Luchasaurus, and throws a huge challenge their way!

Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now! https://t.co/N3F1ePyf5t

Christian Cage started by talking about Jungle Boy challenging him and calling him out to the ring. Cage mocked Jack Perry by saying he was not very smart and reminded him about his loss against Captain Charisma.

Perry retorted by saying that Christian Cage and Luchasaurus have cost him everything, including his friendship with the giant. He then challenged Luchasaurus to a steel cage match at Full Gear.

Christian then took further shots at his former protégé by saying that Luchasaurus is the real pillar of the company. Captain Charisma accepted Jungle Boy's challenge and brought up his family members again.

Jungle Boy couldn't hold himself back and attacked Cage, but Luchasaurus blindsided him. He ripped apart his former partner's t-shirt as Christian Cage brought a steel chair to the ring.

Luchasaurus then chokeslammed Jungle Boy on the steel chair to send a message before Full Gear 2022.

Brian Cage vs. Dante Martin on AEW Rampage

#TheMachine @briancagegmsi makes his way to the ring for this #AEW World Title Eliminator Match on #AEWRampage right now! Tune in to TNT! https://t.co/Ko2O1PCYIC

Dante Martin hit a dropkick into the corner. However, Brian Cage overpowered him and shoved him away. Martin responded with an enziguiri from the apron and looked to hit a crossbody, but Cage caught him easily and started posing.

The action then spilled to the ringside area, and Cage hit a suplex to take advantage. Martin came back with a DDT and then unloaded on him with some strikes. Cage pushed him away, but Martin hit an enziguiri and a crossbody from the turnbuckles for a two-count.

Martin then hit a springboard crossbody on the outside and followed it up with a Frog Splash for a two-count. Towards the end of the match, Dante Martine hit a kick and looked for a 450-splash, but Cage dodged it and hit a lariat. He then hit a slam for a two-count.

The Embassy member picked up the pinfall victory after hitting Weapon X on Dante Martin.

#TheMachine @briancagegmsi advances in the #AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament, joining Ethan Page in the semi-finals!

Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now! https://t.co/FfOiSUipdt

Result: Brian Cage def. Dante Martin on AEW Rampage

Grade: B

#TAIGASTYLE @theleemoriarty is ready to collect some gold and he’ll take on any champion! #AEWRampage is on TNT! https://t.co/Nbxdb196o7

Rush vs. Bandido on AEW Rampage

.@rushtoroblanco makes his way to the ring for this first round #AEW World Title Eliminator Match right now on #AEWRampage! Tune in to TNT! https://t.co/XI7aReUwWR

Rush took out Bandido with a suicide dive before the match started. He then slammed Bandido on the guardrails ringside. Rush followed it up with chops and even choked Bandido with wires.

The match officially got underway. Rush was in control as he kicked Bandido in the jaw. The latter came back into the contest with a frog splash for a two-count. Rush then hit a knee strike for a two-count. After a back-and-forth between the two men, Bandido hit a series of German suplexes and followed it up with a crucifix bomb. The two stars then took each other out with clotheslines.

Toward the end, Jose gave a steel chair to Rush, but Aubrey Edwards took it away. Jose then looked to rip Bandido's mask, but John Silver came out and took him down. The distraction allowed Bandido to roll up Rush for the pinfall victory.

.@BandidoWrestler has advanced in the #AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament!

Tune in to #AEWRampage on TNT right now! https://t.co/EUx1hYJWrz

Result: Bandido def. Rush on AEW Rampage

Grade: A

.@RealJakeHager has a message for @ClaudioCSRO! Tune in to #AEWRampage on TNT! https://t.co/bRxWADxVLb

Nyla Rose vs. Kayla Sparks on AEW Rampage

The disrespect by @NylaRoseBeast, as she tries to get under the skin of TBS Champion @Jade_Cargill!

Tune in to #AEWRampage on TNT right now! https://t.co/X5if3qtBWo

Nyla Rose hit a kick to the knee and then slammed Kayla Sparks on the mat. She then hit a pump kick. The Native Beast won after hitting Jade Cargill's finisher, Jaded.

Result: Nyla Rose def. Kayla Sparks on AEW Rampage

Grade: N/A

Post-match, Jade Cargill and The Baddies came out to the ring and brawled with Nyla Rose. Cargill hit a pump kick on Rose as she, Vickie Guerrero, and Marina Shafir retreated to end the segment.

It’s time for the MAIN EVENT!
Watch #AEWRampage on TNT right now! https://t.co/M4obLZUSJ5

Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Lee Johnson on AEW Rampage - All-Atlantic Championship Match

#AEW All-Atlantic Champion @orangecassidy, with #BestFriends @trentylocks @sexychuckiet & @DanhausenAD, makes his way to the ring!

It’s #AEWRampage on TNT! https://t.co/HJpA6V5w1m

Both men squared off in the middle of the ring. Orange Cassidy hit a shoulder block on Lee Johnson for a two-count. The Factory distracted Cassidy, but the latter retaliated by slamming Johnson on the turnbuckle. The heel faction again distracted the champion, taking him out at ringside.

Both stars were down on the mat at one point, and the referee started the 10-count. However, Cassidy got up and took out The Factory with a dive from the second rope. Johnson came back with a blue thunder bomb but only got a two-count for his troubles.

Toward the end, Orange Cassidy missed an Orange Punch, and Lee Johnson kicked him in the face. But OC recovered and hit the Beach Break to retain his All-Atlantic Title on the Friday Night Show.

#AEW All-Atlantic Champion @orangecassidy retains the title and caps off the victory with the Orange Punch!

It’s #AEWRampage on TNT! https://t.co/sLuxym3LcB

Result: Orange Cassidy retained on AEW Rampage

Grade: B

Post-match, Cole Karter looked to attack Orange Cassidy, but the latter took him out with an Orange Punch. Cassidy and Best Friends then embraced Karter and hit a triple powerbomb to end the show.

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