
43-year-old veteran opens up on talks with Tony Khan following WWE departure

A 43-year-old veteran has discussed his conversations with Tony Khan following his WWE departure. The name in question is Nic Nemeth.

The Most Wanted Man currently appears in TNA Wrestling while also competing in other promotions, including NJPW and AAA. Despite widespread speculations about the prospect of Nemeth joining All Elite Wrestling after his WWE exit, the reigning AAA Mega Champion opted not to ink a deal with AEW.

During a conversation on Eyes Up Here, Nic Nemeth spilled the beans on the talks he held with Tony Khan and the creative freedom that the 41-year-old sports executive offered. Nemeth praised the Jacksonville-based promotion and voiced his love for the company's employees.

“I talked to Tony a long time ago and he was like, ‘Just so you know, you can do anything you want while you work here.’ (...) He wants everyone to have a good time and doing the best possible thing. That’s awesome, and a lot of people did think I was going to AEW, and I love a bunch of people in AEW, I love AEW, Tony’s freaking great. I was just weighing my options and figuring out, I didn’t have a plan."

The former World Heavyweight Champion further discussed his intention of not signing a long-term deal with any pro wrestling promotion on the heels of his lengthy WWE tenure ending last year. Nemeth also spoke about wanting to test himself on the independent circuit and compete around the world.

“I’ve got this thing in my head. I wanna go and make a name for myself on the independents. Just to see if I can go outside of this New York bubble (…) I wanna see if I can hang, or be better, or the best everywhere around the world (…) I just got out of a long-term relationship. I’m not looking to get engaged, or engaged to be engaged.” [H/T: WrestlingInc.]

Nic Nemeth on why he lost to Sheamus 55 times in WWE

Nic Nemeth's 19-year-long WWE career ended with his release in September 2023. During his time in the company, The Showoff lost a staggering number of matches to his former colleague, Sheamus.

Speaking on Eyes Up Here, Nic Nemeth claimed that he was repeatedly booked against The Celtic Warrior because of how well he sold the latter's finishing move, the Brogue Kick. Nemeth disclosed that former WWE Chairman Vince McMahon enjoyed watching him take Sheamus' finisher.

Nic Nemeth was last seen in action in a dark match against Frankie Kazarian on TNA Wrestling IMPACT last month.

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