
Jake Burger melts hearts as he homers wearing daughter's hospital band at Rangers Spring Training camp

Jake Burger is in the middle of a lot of things. With spring training games going on, he's in Surpise, Arizona, to play for the Texas Rangers. He returned to Nashville to be with his family, as his four-month-old daughter Penelope had a successful open heart surgery.

The procedure was conducted on Feb. 24 at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville. After birth, Penelope was diagnosed with Down Syndrome in October but surgery wasn't possible back then.

Jake Burger didn't took too long to be with family, as he returned to Surprise on Thursday morning. In his first game back, Burger hit a home run against the Seattle Mariners. The moment became even more special because he did so while wearing Penelope's hospital band on his wrist.

His wife Ashlyn brought the moment to the fore, falling in love with her husband even more.

"Jake wearing Penelope's hospital has me in my feels," she wrote in her Instagram story.
Ashlyn's Instagram story
Ashlyn's Instagram story

MLB also shared the post on social media.

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After hitting the home run, Jake Burger expressed gratitude following the successful surgery of Penelope, during an interview with MLB.com.

“It's tough,” Burger said. “I feel for all the parents that have to go through that. Fortunately, ours went smoothly, and Penelope is doing great. It's one of those things where you have to have faith in something when you're in the waiting room there.
"My faith in God, my faith in my family, and it just grew exponentially. We’re just blessed and grateful to have Penelope on the mend, and I’m ready to come back to some Rangers baseball. Now it's just about getting her healthy and getting her and the family down to Texas and ready for what comes this season.”

Jake Burger's wife Ashlyn updates fans about Penelope's successful surgery

On Feb. 25, one day after the surgery, Ashlyn took to X, and updated her followers about the successful surgery of Penelope. She expressed thanks to the medical staff who took care of their daughter.

“Penelope’s surgery was successful!!” Ashlyn wrote on social media. “We do not have words that express our gratitude for her surgeon Dr. Carlos Mery & her medical team here at Vanderbilt. We also want to thank you all for your prayers. They were answered, & they were heard.”

Jake Burger has always been supportive of patients going through something similar his daughter was diagnosed with. He wears the No. 21 for a reason. It's because Down Syndrome is medically named Trisomy 21. In this condition, the patient has an extra copy of chromosome 21.

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