
MLB Insider reaffirms Golden State Warriors owner Joe Lacob wants to own Oakland Athletics should they be made available for purchase

Joe Lacob, the owner of the Golden States Warriors, has expressed an interest in purchasing an MLB team, especially the Oakland Athletics. The team has a rich history and its geographic location makes sense based on Lacob's other properties. This hinges on the team being made available for purchase and the price being right, which Athletics fans hope will come to pass.

The Oakland Athletics and their owner, John Fisher, are currently in the process of trying to move to Las Vegas, but it is not coming easy. They are facing challenges ranging from financial to legislative that may not be resolved anytime soon. If Fisher decides he'd rather wash his hands of the situation and move on, Joe Lacob is an ideal candidate to purchase the floundering team.

Tim Kawakami of The Athletic confirmed that Lacob has been openly discussing this potential purchase for some time now.

Lacob has said many times that he'd like to buy the A's. That doesn't mean that's absolutely true at all times or at any price, but he has said, including to me multiple times, that he's interested in buying an MLB team, specifically the A's if they were to go up for sale. twitter.com/Raingoons/stat…
"Lacob has said many times that he'd like to buy the A's. That doesn't mean that's absolutely true at all times or at any price, but he has said, including to me multiple times, that he's interested in buying an MLB team, specifically the A's if they were to go up for sale" - Tim Kawakami

Since being owned by Joe Lacob, the Golden State Warriors have been the paragon of success and winning championships in the NBA. It would not be instant, but there is no reason to think Lacob wouldn't at least try to bring this culture to the Oakland Athletics. He is the owner fans dream of, especially if he would be willing to keep the team in Oakland.

MLB would greatly benefit from Joe Lacob owning the Oakland Athletics

Houston Rockets vs. Warriors
Houston Rockets vs. Warriors

If there is one thing MLB needs less of, it's owners with no interest in winning. It is impossible to look at the Oakland Athletics budget and roster and see a team trying to win a World Series. For what faults he may have in running an organization, Joe Lacob is there to win, and win it all.

Lacob's interest is no passing thing, as this Tweet from John Shea of the San Francisco Chronicle from 2015 proves:

Joe Lacob wants to buy #Athletics? Lew Wolff says they're not for sale (Shea Hey blog): blog.sfgate.com/johnshea/2015/… #raiders #heardthisbefore?
"Joe Lacob wants to buy #Athletics?" - John Shea

While John Fisher continues to attempt to grind away a move to Las Vegas, the team and the fans are suffering. A team owner with a proven track record is the best-case scenario for fans and MLB alike. However, if the team isn't made available or the price isn't right, none of the contributing factors will matter.

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