
"This means the MLB deemed what he said was in fact racist without any proof" "He's appealing a one-game suspension over something where he's clearly in the wrong" - MLB world split over New York Yankees third baseman Josh Donaldson getting suspended one game after complaint of alleged racist comments

New York Yankees v Baltimore Orioles
New York Yankees v Baltimore Orioles

New York Yankees star Josh Donaldson has been suspended for one game and fined for a comment made during a game against the Chicago White Sox, directed at Tim Anderson. The third baseman referred to Tim Anderson as "Jackie," a reference to the legendary player Jackie Robinson, whom Tim Anderson said he felt he related to in an article from 2019.

The internet has been split fairly evenly in finding this punishment as being far too severe or not nearly severe enough, which would likely have been the outcome regardless of the decision from the MLB.

Jon Heyman of the MLB Network was the first to report the suspension, via Twitter.

Josh Donaldson has received a one-game suspension and a fine. He has chosen to appeal.
"Josh Donaldson has received a one-game suspension and a fine. He has chosen to appeal" - @ Jon Heyman

The decision to appeal has stirred up as much controversy as the suspension itself, with the two sides split very far apart on what the appropriate right steps are.

New York Yankees third baseman Josh Donaldson suspended one game

Boston Red Sox v New York Yankees
Boston Red Sox v New York Yankees

All in all, a one-game suspension is the lowest suspension the MLB could have possibly given, and given the public outcry, the league certainly had to address it. Fans however, are split almost down the middle in their opinions on this hot-button issue.

This user, Matther Baltz, was very straightforward with his opinion in support of the suspension.

@JonHeyman very deserved suspension. No place for that in this league.
"Very deserved suspension. No place for that in this league" - @ Matthew Baltz

This user disagrees heavily with the decision that was made.

Suspension for what? This means the MLB deemed what he said was in fact racist without any proof. twitter.com/jonheyman/stat…
"Suspension for what? This means the MLB deemed what he said was in fact racist without any proof" - @ Kyle

Others think Josh Donaldson should simply serve the suspension and move on, like this user.

He's appealing a one-game suspension over something where he's clearly in the wrong and just needs to own it, apologize and move on? GTFO. twitter.com/JonHeyman/stat…
"He's appealing a one-game suspension over something where he's clearly in the wrong and just needs to own it, apologize and move on?" - @ Nick

This user feels likee the MLB did not go far enough in their action.

Should be more twitter.com/JonHeyman/stat…
"Should be more" - @ Griffin

Another user who seems to want further explanation for the exact reasons for the suspension.

@JonHeyman lmao he got suspended for absolutely nothing wtf
"Lmao he got suspended for absolutely nothing wtf" - @ Carlo

Josh Donaldson's appeal of the suspension has left some users confused, thinking he should just take the day off.

@JonHeyman Appealing a one game suspension is wild dude just take the day off
"Appealing a one game suspension is wild dude just take the day off" - @ Dylan

This user has a rather biased stance on the issue, and is not alone in their opinion.

@JonHeyman Josh did nothing wrong
"Josh did nothing wrong" - @ Aaron Weiss

Josh Donaldson of the New York Yankees has sent Twitter into a frenzy, with all sides being upset over one aspect of this situation or another, and it will be interesting to see how the people involved respond to the backlash.

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