"What an absolute loser. Who the h**l let Chris Woodward manage a baseball team anyway?" - Texas Rangers manager under fire after taking shot at New York Yankees

H-, er, Hades hath no fury like a New York Yankees fan scorned. After the perceived disprespect from the Texas Rangers manager, fans of the New York team are not holding anything back. Chris Woodward took a few shots at Yankee Stadium and their shallow right field after a homer to right from Gleyber Torres ended the game.
Taking these jabs can be fine, but not if it comes across as sour grapes from a manager who can't get over a heartbreaking loss. This situation got out of hand rather quickly, with many fans taking it as a personal attack and returning the insult in kind.
Tom Scibelli was one such New York Yankees fan who had some rather choice words for the Texas Rangers manager, seen below via Twitter.
"What an absolute loser. Who the h**l let Chris Woodward manage a baseball team anyway? I’d be embarrassed to call this man my leader" - @ Tom Scibelli
This fiery response is just one of many and proves one thing: If you take a shot at the New York Yankees, you best not miss.
New York Yankees can win the series and get the last laugh

Right now Chris Woodward has won the battle of words, with his voice being the loudest and the fans being drowned out. Thankfully, MLB games are not played with words in the media but with players on the field. Both teams want to win this matchup that has suddenly become personal.
The media is certainly not done talking about the comments from the Texas Rangers manager, but the players have more important things to focus on. Worrying about defending the qualifications of Yankee Stadium will not help any player perform better, so it's key to focus on the game.
Michael Kay is one of the media members still bothered by the comments, poking fun at them via a tweet.
"What a beautiful day for a ballgame at a “little league park.” - @ Michael Kay
The New York Yankees and their fans will have the ultimate trump card if they can win the third game of the series and take the series, which will help put the entire situation to bed. In the words of the immortal Eric Bischoff, "Controversy creates cash," but hopefully both teams will be able to tune out all the noise and focus on simply playing baseball.