“The parties freely and voluntarily entered into a Marital Settlement” on David Ortiz's divorce
MLB legend David Ortiz finally parts ways with his wife Tiffany Lortiz after 25 years of togetherness. David filed for a divorce in 2013. He said, “There are some situations in life that work out for a period of time and at some point, they don’t work out anymore and you have to move on. I’m moving on. She’s moving on. Hopefully, everybody respects that.”
However, a year later, they reconciled. But this time, Tiffany urged for the divorce and both of them reached an agreement that covered the division of their properties and support. According to the agreement, "The parties freely and voluntarily entered into a marital statement." David a.k.a Big Papi and Tiffany had two children, D'Angelo and Alexandra.

iffany took to social media to inform everyone about their divorce and the arrangement. She said, "Over the past 25 years, David and I have shared a beautiful adventure in love and partnership. We have made the decision to go into a new phase of our life journey together, not as a couple, but as friends and co-parents to our amazing children."
How did David Ortiz get his name, Big Papi?

David Ortiz, a.k.a Big Papi got his name after he joined Red Sox Organisation. Jerry Remy was the first one to call him Big Papi. According to Jerry, "I went up to him one day and said, ‘You’re a big guy, you mind if I call you Big Papi?" Early in his Red Sox career, Ortiz's bat earned him a nickname, but no one could have predicted how much of an impact he would have on this team.
Many players for the Boston Red Sox over the course of their illustrious history had nicknames that were as popular as their real names. When fans had trouble spelling Yastrzemski, the term "Yaz" came to be widely used. The name "The Rocket" was given to Roger Clemens by his powerful fastball.