
10 Best moments in the Lakers-Celtics rivalry

NBA Finals Game 7:  Boston Celtics v Los Angeles Lakers
NBA Finals Game 7: Boston Celtics v Los Angeles Lakers

In recent times, one of the greatest NBA rivalries of all time has been accidentally reignited. The Boston Celtics have been on the road to one of the greatest revamps of all time and the Lakers have signed one of the biggest names in the basketball world today.

All of this was fueled by the Cleveland Cavaliers, who had to let go of their star player of the last few seasons, after seeing four consecutive NBA finals. It might be surreal, but this year fans are looking forward to a Celtics-Lakers match-up at the finals court once again. It may not be just as good as Kobe and LeBron on the same court, but Irving and LeBron will be great without a doubt.

The rivalry is not expected to be just as intense as it was in the 80s or the small restart it had gotten close to 2010, but seeing the two teams on their roads back to greatness will be a treat for viewers everywhere. Here is to looking back at some of the best moments between these two legendary teams.

#10 Kevin McHale's hard foul, 1984 NBAFinals Game 4

Kevin McHale and Kurt Rambis
Kevin McHale and Kurt Rambis

One of the most famous incidents of all-time, Kevin McHale collaring Kurt Rambis really changed that day's game.

All this hoopla was caused by James Worthy who passed to Kurt Rambis while the Lakers were on a break. This led to a prompt body-slam to stop the ongoing layup. However, as Rambis got up, ready for a fight, he was shoved to the ground by some quick thinking from his teammate James Worthy. Kevin McHale hadn't been known as a dirty or rough player, but this was the result of the Celtics being down 76-70.

The thing is, if this kind of an incident had happened in the 2010s, McHale's move would have had him suspended from the game, at least for a good couple of games alongside nasty remarks on social media and maybe even a hefty fine.

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