
Top 10 displays of ballhandling by Steph Curry

Golden State Warriors Victory Parade And Rally
Curry holds the Larry O'Brien Trophy in the Golden State Warriors Victory Parade and Rally

Deep into his 9th season in the league, Steph Curry continues to wow NBA fans with his exciting offensive play, which he displays whenever he takes the floor for the indomitable Golden State Warriors. As a ballhandler, Curry really is among the very best in the world - right up there with Jamal Crawford and Kyrie 'Uncle Drew' Irving.

When Curry is on his game (which is usually every time the Warriors take the floor), the only unanimous winner of the MVP award in NBA history can break the ankles of the very best defenders in the business. If you don't take my word, ask Chris Paul (who features thrice in this article) how it feels to be on the receiving end of Chef Curry's handling recipes.

On Curry's 30th birthday, we take a look back at the 2-time MVP's very best plays of his career. This is a definitive list of the top 10 times Steph has displayed otherworldly ballhandling wizardry. The parameters used to come up with these rankings are:

(a) the difficulty of the dribble move in question

(b) who the unfortunate defender(s) is/are to come up against Curry in the move

(c) what the stakes of the game in question are

in that order. So here goes our countdown:

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