
3 reasons why LeBron James could win the 2022 NBA MVP Award

LeBron James vs the Portland Trail Blazers
LeBron James vs the Portland Trail Blazers

LeBron James is perhaps the mightiest NBA player the world has ever seen and he has never turned away from a storm in his whole career. For the mighty stand and raise their glasses towards the storm for that is where they shall find glory. These days, there are many that criticize James day-in and day-out. Criticize him for building super teams, criticize him for his off-the-court antics.

Criticism, like almost everything else in the world, comes with two poles. The two poles are rational criticism and irrational criticism. While there is some rational criticism of James and his career, he is mostly surrounded by irrational criticism.

After all that he has done in the game, to still doubt his abilities and question his achievements can surely not be rational, right?

It is true that LeBron James is aging, as we all mortals do. It is true that LeBron James is not as fast or as strong as he used to be in his prime. However, it is also true that he averaged 25 points, 7.7 rebounds and 7.8 assists in 2020-21 regular season.

In contrast, Nikola Jokic, the 2020-21 MVP averaged 26.4 points, 10.8 rebounds, and 8.3 assists. The most valuable player in the league only averaged 1.4 points, 3.1 rebounds and 0.5 assists more than King James. Yet analysts and fans have called him washed-up. This cannot by any means be considered rational criticism.

Why LeBron James could win the 2022 NBA MVP Award

Agreed that Bron had an inconsequential season. But we conclude his past year being inconsequential only when comparing Bron to Bron. That is the plight of the LA Lakers superstar. However, we believe with all our rational reasoning that LeBron James is still capable of being the MVP and therefore we shall make a case for the same.

#1 New LA Lakers squad

Los Angeles Lakers v Los Angeles Clippers
Los Angeles Lakers v Los Angeles Clippers

With the kind of team the Lakers have finally built around James, the upcoming season will be a completely different story than it was in 2020-21. James has incredible supporting teammates in Russell Westbrook, Carmelo Anthony, and Anthony Davis.

This year's squad will bring a much-needed ease of responsibility for LeBron James. His team is, on paper, one of the best in the league. The last time LeBron was on a team of this caliber was during the Kyrie-Love-Bron Cleveland Cavaliers era. He was sensational then, outscoring all the stars in his squad and the rival squad each and every game.

It is safe to assume that LeBron James Sr. will also be sensational in the coming year. With such a roster behind him to encourage his brilliance, he could be the 2022 NBA MVP.

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