
5 best basketball movies of all time

White Men Can't Jump is among the best basketball movies ever made
White Men Can't Jump is among the best basketball movies ever made

Early attempts to bring movies based on sporting events to the big screen were often misguided, and it wasn't until Rocky's release in 1976 that everything changed. Rocky Balboa's underdog story perfectly combined drama with excellent action sequences and movie makers have been following a similar blueprint ever since.

There are several great movies from other major sports such as Field of Dreams, Any Given Sunday, and Miracle - however, no team sport transcends to the big screen in the same way that basketball does. So, with an array of famous movies to chose from, here we take a look at the best basketball movies of all time.

Note: Hoop Dreams has been excluded from selection due to its status as a documentary

#5 Coach Carter (2005)

Coach Carter tells the true story of the basketball lockout at Richmond High School
Coach Carter tells the true story of the basketball lockout at Richmond High School

Like many films before, Coach Carter revolves around a talented high school basketball team, although the film stands out from the crowd due to its captivating look at what happens off the court. Based on the true story of Richmond High School basketball coach Ken Carter, the movie opens with Samuel L Jackson (Carter) returning to his old high-school, although Carter quickly realizes that his team is ill-prepared for life after high school.

In an attempt to help his team grow as men, Carter makes the entire team sign contracts, and much of the movie deals with the fallout of Carter locking the school gym after his players fail to achieve the agreed-upon grades.

Jackson commands the role of Carter in one of his most underrated performances, while a young Channing Tatum shines in one of his earliest roles. Ultimately, Coach Carter is the quintessential high-school basketball movie, and you should definitely check it out if it has flown under your radar.

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