
5 Early Predictions for the NBA All-Star weekend 2018-19

The first NBA All-Star game ever was played over 50 years ago in Boston. Some of the best NBA games of all time have been played on this platform that brings the best of the best together. From Kobe Bryant making his way as the youngest player to be a part of an All-Star line-up to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar playing in his 19th All-Star team at 41, this special weekend has seen it all. Legends are born and warriors hang up their boots on these hallowed grounds. Becoming an important part of legendary careers, here are some predictions for the All-Star games this season in the home of the Charlotte Hornets.

#5 The Captains Will Have to Change From Last Year, Against Popular Demand

Steph Curry and Lebron James at the NBA All-Star Game 2018
Steph Curry and LeBron James at the NBA All-Star Game 2018

Each face off for the finals over the last few years has been between the two current basketball kings, Steph Curry and LeBron James. Heading their respective teams, the Golden State Warriors and the Cleveland Cavaliers to the finals for four years in a row has made them the most well-known players of present-day basketball and arguably the most popular players as well.

With LeBron moving to the Lakers he is on his way to going a whole new set of followers adding to his immense popularity from fans in Miami and home team Cleveland. The two, however, have very distinctly different playing styles. LeBron Knows how to push his way through, a combination of speed, size, and skill to ensure that he makes his shot no matter what. On the other hand, there is Curry with the prettiest shot in the game, his unbelievable precision and ability to create space helps him excel. The current system of choice for All-Star captains resides with the voters and there is no doubt that the people will want to choose these two powerhouses. They have consistently been number one and number two in jersey sale, fan base numbers and all-star votes and as long as their form doesn't change, none of those numbers will, however, this LeBron's shift to the western conference not only confirms their win but also leaves the question for the second captain wide open.

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