
5 Things to look forward to in the NBA Playoffs

Houston Rockets v Milwaukee Bucks
Houston Rockets v Milwaukee Bucks

As the NBA season crawls to a squeaky halt, the dust all but settled around the 16 playoff bound teams (except for Florida squaring off for the eighth-seed between Miami and Orlando). With headlines around the league surrounding Devin Bookers annual stat padding bonanza or Golden State childishly mocking referees.

Lebrons out, Kawhis bored, the Warriors are bored, everyone is bored. Let us not concern ourselves with the tomfoolery that is the remaining schedule and instead let us drift ahead to a more prosperous time and see what exciting things lie around the corner when the NBA playoffs roll around.

Clash of Eastern Conference Behemoths

What can we expect from the Greek Freak come playoffs?
What can we expect from the Greek Freak come playoffs?

Embiid vs. Giannis. That’s all I want for Christmas in early June. One genetic freakozoid vs. another, Godzilla vs. King Kong for 48 minutes, hopefully spanning at least 6 games. These two are the next generational superstars, a couple of years off entering their primes. Both fierce gladiatoresque competitors, capable of shouldering the load of their teams short-comings as they soldier forward, reminiscent of a young Lebron.

I love Ben Simmons, but his game struggles to translate in playoffs basketball, his non-existent shooting is a liability. Butlers a proven 4th quarter bucket getter and Harris is a nice addition, each person capable of winning a playoff game, but not a series. Give me Embiid attacking the ring, unleashing his seamlessly infinite repertoire of natural post moves or just bullying anyone close to the rim. Can he sustain it whilst logging heavy minutes? Furthermore, can he make the right decision in the closing minutes of a close game?

Then you have Giannis and the Bucks who plowed through teams this year, being in the running for MVP even against Hardens ridiculous record-setting season, all the while playing a mere 33 minutes per game. Bump that number towards 43 and we might have similar nights to the last time these teams matched up, Giannis and Embiid going for 52 and 40 respectively as Embiid took home the W. The Bucks are not as 'talented' as the 76ers, but they fit around Giannis perfectly, know their identity and hold the best record in the league currently at 57-20.

With the top 4 in the East being legitimate finals contenders, not self-proclaimed contenders like previous blunder years of the Washington Wizards. Boston and Toronto are tough and may ruin my hopes to see “Pacific Rim 3: Process the Freek” (Working title) this fall.

How high can Harden fly?

Is Harden capable of reaching another level?
Is Harden capable of reaching another level?

Can Harden continue to be combust and fuel the offense when the Rockets need him most? The way they play I’m not so sure. The infamous 27 in a row will never happen again, but the rockets system relies on average 3 point shooters to knock down more 3 point shots than last years team, all game, for four games.

What’s concerning is their role players do not get easy looks for themselves inside of the offense, they don't run quick plays for open layups or to generate shots closer to the rim. Austin Rivers can sometimes create off the dribble, but the defence in playoffs is tougher. Danuel House Jr. is interesting but unproven, Gordon has been a far cry from the reliable dribble-drive threat he was last year and CP3s athleticism has taken another step back alongside being the most injury-prone playoff guard in history (probably).

They live and die by their system. 3 point shots, dunks and free throws. The Beard is the system, bringing them from the brink of death and shooting them up to the 3rd seed in the west. Defences will force Harden to be a distributor, forcing these role players to carry more of the scoring load. They will lose confidence and miss open shots at a concerning rate. When that game comes, can Harden steady the ship once more and guide them back on course?

Who will don the post-game Crown

"You have to go back to your unhappy lives" LBJ post-finals defeat

The post-game podium, where Lebron James has been more than any player in recent history and entertained us through painful pairings of the 1st round matchups in the East, created a stir when he placed a right hand wrapped in a cast above the table for the first time after losing last years finals in a sweep or the defeat against Dallas where he told his haters they can go back to their "unhappy lives". With his gaping absence from the playoffs this year, his Gatorade sponsored throne is up for grabs and the post-game pressers should be an entertaining affair.

The spotlight is on for the best sound bite, trash talk, referee outburst as it can help or hinder one's brand and public persona. Kids have always been easy brownie points since CP3s son showed off his Blake Face to Riley Curry telling her dad to quiet down. It is truly a haven for nuggets to be found and shared for viral gold in this age of communication. My money is on Giannis or Embiid to don the crown when it's all set and done, both free speaking hooligans who aren't shy of talking trash, the winner potentially going to whoever's team progresses further.

There is easy money to be made on Kevin Durant to fire up at the post-game media questions, the refs or the fans. Tempers run hotter than usual in the playoffs and KD is fed up of the media scrutiny of his every action. He'll do no good to help his current perception around NBA fans.

Oh and Klay is just going to say something totally Klay, and it's going to be awesome.

Fashion Statements

Miami Heat v Oklahoma City Thunder - Game One
Miami Heat v Oklahoma City Thunder - Game One

If fashion is a form of self-expression, then some NBA players have some deep-seated emotions. Jokes aside, players love to dip their toes into the deep, gurgling pool of new-age trends and all credit to them, be creative with it. You know that Westbrook and Harden are going to bring it every night similar to their play-styles, there are always some surprise head scratches from lesser known players as they walk up to post-game podiums donning short sleeve suits like Rondo.

Way back when KD and Russ were baby-faced teammates one year removed from making their only run at the finals, a similarly young twitter lost its mind over what Durant was carrying in his backpack as he took to the podium, so you don’t even have to be trying to make a statement to get talked about.

My own fashion is admittedly one of a love of the classics, simple is elegant. This might be an admitted look inside my own brashness to step out onto the diving board, away from the AM90s or a simple two-piece suit and into the depths of short sleeve suits, a bombardment of colors and matching jackets. The postgame podium should introduce a red carpet that splits down the middle of the reporters, in order to get a proper 360 view of the outfit and give the players a chance to strut their stuff.

The (hopeful) end of Durant + the Golden State Warriors

"Not 1, not 2, Only 3?..."

‘Who do you think is going to win the finals this year?’. To answer this without the automated response that has been the last two years will feel liberating. The NBA is in a brilliant place; players are loved, ratings are high and there is strong talent in both divisions. There's just a big ol’ BUT cloud that poops all over the league and it stirs when the discussion of who will win the title arises.

Because there is no discussion. It is fatiguing to everyone watching the game, writing about the game, heck even the team itself is fatigued. I love watching competitive basketball at the highest level and right now, the Warriors are at a level no one else can possibly reach. It’s not competitive and it’s not fun.

It’s part of the reason that only 2 points from my ‘5 things to look forward to about the playoffs’ actually consist of watching basketball! I haven’t mentioned anything about the finals. There is no reality (barring injury) where any team can stop Golden State for four games. I don’t care where Durant goes, as long as he goes, for basketball's sake.

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