
Top 5 Vegan NBA Players

Damian Lillard
Damian Lillard

Going vegan is a belief that is spreading worldwide albeit at a gradual speed, but nonetheless it is a growing trend. While for most people going vegan is to do with animal rights and prevention of animal cruelty, the study into the vegan diet and its benefits is also catching on.

NBA players have been pioneers of athleticism and good health and this holds true even today as more and more players are adopting the Vegan lifestyle to stay healthy and improve their fitness. Here are the top 5 NBA players who have adopted a vegan diet and have become the voice for diet change in the NBA.

#5 Wilson Chandler - Denver Nuggets

Denver Nuggets v Los Angeles Lakers
Injuries forced Wilson Chandler to adopt a vegan lifestyler

Wilson Chandler has been an outspoken supporter of the vegan lifestyle ever since he took to it and witnessed the benefits for himself. After a string of injuries followed by surgeries, Wilson Chandler decided to go vegan and test out the benefits. He hasn't looked back since then and said, "Eating a vegan diet has changed my everyday living. I sleep better, I wake up in a better mood, I recover faster, I’m not so inflamed, not so achey. I feel better overall, in everything that I do. I can take in more information easier. My mind is just open."

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