
“I can thoroughly annihilate any GOAT case that LeBron could barely make” - NBA analyst believes LeBron James gets rankled by his opinions, says he can expose LeBron’s many flaws

Los Angeles Lakers v Phoenix Suns; LeBron James looks on from sideline
Los Angeles Lakers v Phoenix Suns; LeBron James looks on from sideline

Skip Bayless believes LeBron James gets bothered by his opinions as the analyst can now use his solo show to expose LeBron’s "many flaws."

Analyst plans to expose LeBron James’ ‘many flaws’

With nobody to contest his opinion, Skip has free reign to speak on whichever topics he so chooses, for however long, to whatever depth.

Bayless explained how he plans to use his show:

“Now I can painstakingly, and I would think even more conclusively, expose LeBron’s many flaws step by step, level by level by level, and I can thoroughly annihilate any GOAT case that LeBron could barely make.”

LeBron James and Skip Bayless have never had a healthy relationship. The analyst is known primarily for his love for Kevin Durant and opposing hot takes on LeBron James. It has been pointed out in the past that the reason is Skip’s frustrating with how much media attention LeBron gets when the analyst believes he is undeserving of it.

Regardless of being a four-time champion and Finals MVP, LeBron James has yet to prove himself to the analyst as one of the greatest to ever do it.

Bayless often focuses on LeBron James’ flaws and attempts to belittle his greatness, but his partner, in most cases, Shannon Sharpe, who Skip refers to as "LeShannon," always comes to defend LeBron.

Without Sharpe on the other side of the table voicing the LeBron James defense, Bayless has free reign to do and say absolutely whatever he wants. That is a big ouch for LeBron and could, in fact, be why he plans to start his own podcast.

As James hinted toward the possibility of starting his own podcast, Bayless has jumped down his throat for it not being GOAT-like, as Jordan would never do such a thing.

But if these analysts keep trying to paint bad headlines over James’ name, eventually some are going to pile up and make weight, no matter the case. LeBron’s decision to start his own podcast could be his way of joining a realm where he can control his narrative 100% before it gets out of hand.

Furthermore, LeBron has always been know to support most and give chances to those who, otherwise, would not have had it (outside the court). So starting a podcast could simply be a realization of its growing popularity, and it being yet another chance for him to widen the opportunity for his peers.

It makes sense why Skip is focusing so much on this notion, as he has controlled the LeBron narrative. James has had press conferences, Twitter, and some sideline comments as chances to explain his own side of many stories, but he has rarely even given the time to focus on doing so.

“The King” is far too focused on the court to be mediating petty media squabbles, but with his own podcast, LeBron could now defend himself to whichever extent he wishes. That may be good or bad for Bayless, but if James has hours of opportunity to speak on situations he himself was in, he may take the narrative back into his own hands.

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