
Lakers are the front-runners to sign Kevin Durant, says Stephen A Smith

Draymond Green and Kevin Durant had an altercation during the game against Clippers
Draymond Green and Kevin Durant had an altercation during the game against Clippers

The recent turn of events with the Golden State Warriors has led us to talk about the upcoming free agency of Kevin Durant. Kevin Durant's altercation with Draymond Green might be a sign of him leaving the Warriors.

It was during the Game against the Los Angeles Clippers when Draymond Green rushed the ball forward all by himself with five seconds to go for the final quarter and the game went to overtime. He ignored Durant's desperate plea to pass the ball to him.

Watch the video of the whole sequence below:

The shocking part of the video above is towards the end when Durant says "That's why I am out".

Have a closer look at him making this statement:

So what does it means? Will he be leaving Warriors in his upcoming free agency? ESPN's Stephen A Smith has an answer for you.

Stephen A Smith believes Durant will leave the warriors and Lakers will be the destination for him. In his latest radio show, Smith said that Knicks and Lakers have a chance to get Kevin Durant with Lakers having the edge. He is confident that one of the Lakers and the Knicks will be the next destination for Kevin Durant.

Hear out some the part from his podcast below:

So Smith is sure about Kevin Durant leaving the Warriors but, should we believe him or not?

To answer this question, I want to take you back to the time when it was Durant's last year with Thunder. Durant's free agency was a trending topic of discussion during those days. Smith A Smith during that time, said that if Durant has to leave OKC, he would be heading to the Lakers. To this, Durant had quite a famous reply:

"I don't talk to Stephen A Smith at all. No one in my family, my friends do. So he's lying."

So I would not really bet on this guy again! We need to let time pass to make more sense of the things.

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