
NBA 2018-19: Why Kawhi Leonard should not play in the 2019 NBA All-Star game

Should Kawhi Leonard play the 2019 NBA All Star game?
Should Kawhi Leonard play the 2019 NBA
All Star

The Raptors are currently 18-4 for the season. The future looks bright and with Kawhi Leonard, as a member of the roster, an NBA Finals appearance is a possibility, to end the Raptors 2018-19 season.  

With LeBron James out of the Eastern Conference, playing out West for Los Angeles and the Boston Celtics not playing consistent basketball, the Raptors, who have been a playoff team the last five years, may not have a clearer path to represent the East ,in the NBA finals, than right now. 

However, there is one major concern threatening the Raptors path to glory and it’s the health of Kawhi Leonard. He missed 73 games last season for San Antonio and forced a trade to Toronto for DeMar DeRozan. The Raptors do not have a long-term contractual commitment from Leonard, as he can opt out of his deal, in July 2019, and sign elsewhere. 

Not only do the Raptors have a good chance to appear in the NBA Finals, in 2019, but there is also pressure to maximize the efforts, of Leonard, before his potential or imminent departure, from Toronto. 

Leonard may, in the end, stay, in Toronto, long-term, but the Toronto Raptors management are aware their time for success is now. Leonard has been eased into the Raptors line-up and missed games, that would be too close to each other, like back to backs, in an effort to keep him healthy.

A major question at this stage is should he play in the February 17, 2019 All-Star Game if he is voted or selected to the East Roster? The answer should be no, but, of course, the choice will be made, by Kawhi Leonard. The main reasons he should not play in the 2019 NBA All-Star Game are.

#1 Leonard may not be 100% healthy

Cleveland Cavaliers v Toronto Raptors
Cleveland Cavaliers v Toronto Raptors

Leonard has missed five of Toronto’s 22 games, so far, this season. He doesn’t play, in what might appear to be the easier of back to back games, or certain games when there is a block of 3 games, in 5 nights. 

He has played 35 plus minutes, in the Raptors last two wins, but, with a deep roster, and a potential short window, to be successful, with Leonard, head coach Nick Nurse is probably under orders, from general manager Bobby Webster and team president Massai Ujiri, to manage Leonard’s minutes.  

As the season develops, it might be expected that Leonard will be allowed to just play games, if he is fully healthy. If that were the case now, one has to believe Leonard would have declared himself fit and would play every game. 

While he is a bit of an introverted personality, he needs to play well, play a significant number of games and solidify his top five player ranking to also secure potential future contractual earnings. If the managing of the number of games and minutes continue, for Leonard, late into the season or right up to the All-Star game, even if Leonard attends the event, he should not play.  

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