
NBA Rumor: Chicago Bulls' players hold a meeting and nearly skip practice

Bulls recently lost to Celtics by 56 points
Bulls recently lost to Celtics by 56 points

Chicago Bulls are 6-21 for the season and are currently sitting at the last place in the eastern conference. They had a recent change in the coaching area with Jim Boylen coming in as the new coach for them. But things have not started as he would have liked.

Jim has an aggressive approach towards the game and especially towards the training sessions and conditioning.

The moment he took over the job, he started pushing guys harder as he was not happy with the previously followed methods for the training and conditioning. Players are not pleased with his aggressive coaching style.

Injuries have also been a concern for them, and nothing seems to go right for them for now. The things became worse when they lost to the Boston Celtics by 56 points in their last match. It was the biggest loss in franchise history.

The players surely were very disappointed, and according to the Malika Andrews of ESPN, players held a "Players-only meeting" before the practice.

Below is what the report has to say:

Some Bulls players pushed back on Boylen's aggressive coaching style. After suffering the worst loss in franchise history Saturday night, Zach LaVine and Justin Holiday led a two-hour, players-only meeting in lieu of the practice Boylen had planned for the team Sunday.

There were also reports that players wanted to skip the practice, but few Veterans urged everybody to come and have a meeting.

According to Wendell Carter Jr., players have been straightforward and honest with the coach and management, which might be a positive sign.

Boylen however, is being confident that he and the players will get on the same path.

"We're still learning about each other," Boylen said. "I've moved over the 18 inches [from one chair on the bench to the next]. They're still learning how I want it. There's been a little shock and awe here in the last seven days. And there's an adjustment to that."

Boylen has been the coach for a very few matches till now, and it is very early to say or predict anything. The win against the OKC brought a lot of praise for him, but the loss did the opposite. So it is very early to judge the man, and we should give him some breathing room.

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