
2 More postponed matches force league officials to address health and safety protocols | NBA News

Miami Heat v Denver Nuggets
Miami Heat v Denver Nuggets

The expected turbulence of the 2020-21 NBA season has well and truly kicked in and, as we enter Week 4, NBA News has reported yet more disruption ahead.

Since the Houston Rockets had their opening match against the Oklahoma City Thunder postponed, most teams around the NBA have struggled with COVID-19, resulting in the league's board to bring into question its health and safety protocols.

NBA News: Postponements force league officials to address health and safety protocols

Philadelphia 76ers v Brooklyn Nets
Philadelphia 76ers v Brooklyn Nets

Despite starting positively, the NBA over the past week has fallen into disarray over the current coronavirus protocols. Now that the league has some normality, teams have struggled to protect their players from the global pandemic which has led league officials to re-evaluate the current situation.

In the latest NBA News, it has been announced that both the New Orleans-Dallas Mavericks matchup tonight and the Boston-Chicago game tomorrow have been postponed.

Furthermore, the NBA and NBPA are set to meet today, along with league GMs, to discuss potential changes to the health and safety protocols currently in place.

Having coped so well in the bubble, there were wide-ranging plaudits for the way the league's officials organized the shielded environment to ensure basketball could still be played.

Despite the restricted set-up, several events have brought the level of protection that players and staff currently have into question which has led to the postponements in NBA News.

When Philadelphia 76ers guard Seth Curry was told on the bench against the Brooklyn Nets that he had tested positive for coronavirus, the game was allowed to continue.

With the 76ers players isolating in New York, the Nets were still able to travel to Memphis with no knowledge as to the results of Philadelphia's testing. This brought into question how the NBA can continue in this fashion.

Despite there only being two postponements prior to those announced today in NBA News, GM's have pointed to the negative effects the league's protocols are having on competitiveness and logistics.

Suggestions have floated around in NBA News toward postponing the season entirely. Whether officials will be this drastic considering the current determination shown remains to be seen, and will undoubtedly become evident later today.

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