
5 NBA stars that could have played in the NFL

The NBA is rich with world-class athletes that you can put in different sports. American Football is arguably the most popular sport in the USA and some basketball players could have starred in the NFL with their size and athletic build.

Taller than the usual football player, an NBA player has the height to tower against most NFL athletes and that would already be a huge edge. Add that length to some of the strongest and smartest players in the NBA, you have a good recipe for a prime NFL prospect.

5 NBA players that would have made it big in the NFL

In case, the NFL would be looking to add athletes to different sports, the NBA would be a great place to start with. Along with the speed to run fast breaks, jumping ability and power, an NBA player can easily adjust to playing American Football.

Nonetheless, here are NBA athletes who would have made a huge impact in the NFL.

#5. Isaiah Stewart

Remember when Isaiah Stewart wanted to go up against LeBron James when the Los Angeles Lakers visited the Detroit Pistons at the Little Caesars Arena? Yes, that incident is the reason why "Beef Stew" in this list.

Even when referees, officials and teammates tried to separate Stewart from James, the Pistons forward managed to barrage through people in a burst of speed and almost made it to touch the four-time NBA MVP.

There were jokes that the Detroit Lions would need to add another player on the defensive line and Stewart would be someone that the team could take a chance on.

#4. Chris Paul

A potential quarterback with a high IQ, Chris Paul would be a perfect player for the position. Since joining the league, CP3 has been a culture-changing locker room figure that can turn rocks into gold.

An NFL quarterback needs to know where his offensive line will position and Paul is the type of point guard who can bring out the best in anyone.

#3. Kawhi Leonard

Owning one of the biggest hands in the league, Kawhi Leonard is a player that you want to be positioned as a wide receiver. Those hands would just catch a quarterback's throws along with the stability to bear all the pounding from the opponent's defensive line.

#2. Giannis Antetokounmpo

Imagine your quarterback giving it a freight train like Giannis Antetokounmpo to break the opposing team's defense. It would take more than one person to sack 'The Greek Freak' who is running at you at a high speed.

#1. LeBron James

Coming up with this list, just by looking at LeBron James' build, you can already imagine him to be perfect as a tight end or even a linebacker.

Yet, you may want to put him as a quarterback on your team since he has great court vision with his passing ability. The wide receiver position would also be a good fit for James with his ability to run the floor and elude defenses.

Well, if this is your problem, then LeBron James is the perfect prospect to bring to the NFL with the number of positions he can play.

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