
"It could have a double meaning"- NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has got jokes as the Ja Morant 'toy gun' story continues to go viral

NBA commissioner Adam Silver recently addressed the ongoing controversy surrounding Ja Morant's Instagram Live videos, where the young player was seen with guns.

In an interview with Dan Patrick, Silver initially engaged in a serious discussion about the situation but concluded with a lighthearted joke.

The conversation took an unexpected turn when Silver expressed his admiration for Patrick's appearances in Adam Sandler movies. Patrick playfully suggested that Sandler should create an anti-carrying PSA to combat traveling violations in the NBA.

Patrick: “You know who carried the ball more than anybody?”
Silver: “Adam Sandler.”
Patrick: “I'm gonna get Sandler to do a PSA for the NBA on anti-carrying”
Silver: “It could have a double meaning by the way.”

While addressing the seriousness of the issue, Silver confirmed that the league would withhold its ruling about Ja Morant until after the NBA Finals. He also acknowledged the claims that Morant was brandishing a toy gun, saying that the initial video was concerning because it depicted someone "treating a guy as a toy." This comment alluded to the potential double meaning behind the incident.

DP: “You know who carried the ball more than anybody?”

AS: “Adam Sandler.”

DP: “I'm gonna get Sandler to do a PSA for the NBA on anti-carrying”

AS: “It could have a double meaning by the way.”

Commissioner Adam Silver’s got jokes 🤣

(via @dpshow)https://t.co/P2CgSnjQR2

The ongoing investigation on Ja Morant: Insight into Adam Silver's thought process

Adam Silver and Ja Morant at the NBA draft in 2019.
Adam Silver and Ja Morant at the NBA draft in 2019.

Reflecting on the Ja Morant situation, Silver expressed his contemplation over the matter. He emphasized the need to consider the impact of live-streaming actions that could be perceived as dangerous, regardless of whether a real gun was involved.

"It's something that I'm thinking a lot about, because – again, I'm not going to get into the specifics of the investigation – but, in fact, if you are live-streaming something that to the world looks exactly like a gun in a frankly reckless manner, should it matter whether or not it's a real gun?"
Damn Ja Wick.....
This should be the end of his career at this point. Can you imagine how many other times not caught on video he's been showing off his guns.
And look at those damn comments from ignorant phuckers... They act like its nothing him having a gun https://t.co/BfM2kyyTa7

To provide context, in March, Morant received an eight-game suspension from the NBA after a video circulated showing him flashing a gun at a Denver club. The Memphis Grizzlies also suspended him when another video emerged showing him holding a gun in a car in May.

The NBA commissioner's inclusion of humor amid the seriousness of the situation demonstrates his ability to navigate delicate topics with a touch of wit.

While the investigation is ongoing, Silver's comments provide insight into his thought process and the considerations involved in addressing such incidents.

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