
Draymond Green drops bold take on rumored LeBron James-Steph Curry team up: “That team is going to win the championship”

LeBron James has had numerous iconic team-ups throughout his long NBA career, from Dwyane Wade with the Miami Heat to Kyrie Irving with the Cleveland Cavaliers. However, a hypothetical team-up with Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry was brought up by ESPN's Brian Windhorst.

Warriors forward Draymond Green described that possible tandem as championship-bound.

When Green appeared on Carmelo Anthony's "7PM in Brooklyn with Carmelo Anthony & The Kid Mero" podcast, he said it was the kind of tandem that could only be dreamed of. Due to the complex nature of moving pieces around the NBA, Draymond Green could only fathom what that combination would be like.

"The deadline was cool, just to have a couple of thoughts about it," Green said, "like to entertain the thought of that, it was cool to have a conversation about it. Because it is one of those things, that you never thought the conversation would even happen. That will be crazy. I think that team is going to win the championship." (52:41)

There's no denying that LeBron James and Steph Curry have had some of the most iconic battles in NBA history. The mutual respect for one's capabilities is there, resulting in fierce and top-notch competition on the basketball court. A team-up would make them a nightmare in the league.

That tandem would feature elite shotmaking and precise decision-making to rival the best duos the NBA has to offer. Despite it only being a hypothetical scenario, it remains an interesting topic for discussion, considering these are two of the premier players in the league.

Carmelo Anthony doesn't think a LeBron James-Steph Curry team-up will see the light of day

In the same podcast episode, Carmelo Anthony was not completely sold on the idea of LeBron James and Steph Curry teaming up.

"I hate talking about this s*** because it ain't going to f***ing happen," Anthony said. "If Bron is going to Golden State, you got to build another team. Klay is gone. He can't stay. It's going to be them two, Kuminga ... Kuminga ain't going nowhere. As a fan you got to chill out man. Ya'll said the same thing of Steph coming to New York." (51:38)

In the same context that the tandem is hypothetical, Anthony argued that a different kind of Golden State Warriors team would have to be worked around. A lot of moving parts would have to take place, such as Klay Thompson, resulting in a big roster shake-up.

Depth pieces would have to be acquired that will fit the playstyles of both James and Curry, while also making sure that the philosophies and identity of the team stay intact. The process is huge involving the fit of a player such as LeBron James and would require a busy offseason just to get all of the pieces in proper shape.

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