
"Tristan Thompson has a multi-million breeding business, too", "The pet breeding industry is extremely ugly" - Fans react to Kendrick Perkins owning multi-million dollar dog breeding business

Kendrick Perkins has been criticized for his dog-breeding business
Kendrick Perkins has been criticized for his dog-breeding business

Kendrick Perkins owns a multi-million dollar dog breeding business. Four years ago, the former NBA champion started the company with Thomas Alpough, his brother-in-law.

The business focuses on breeding French bulldogs and selling them to clients for big money. The company has four employees and 42 dogs for sale.

Many have criticized Perkins for his involvement in the business, which they feel does more harm than good.

Reddit users used the news of Perkins' dog-breeding business to poke fun at Tristan Thompson. It was recently revealed that Thompson was set to have another child with Khloe Kardashian despite having split up with her a while ago.

Wilt Chamberlain, an NBA legend, once claimed that he had slept with more than 20,000 women, and one fan joked about it.

Other Reddit users, however, took a more serious approach to the issue. It is well known that French bulldogs have a lot of health issues, which is why breeding them can be cruel.

One Reddit user believes that dog breeders aren't necessarily evil since many care about the animals they handle.

"We actually have dogs that are in our kennel that are worth $250K, $500K - Kendrick Perkins

"Kendrick Perkins made $230K off four litters of French bulldog puppies": An insight into the former NBA player turned ESPN analyst's breeding business see full article https://t.co/VkXOoAoyX4

It is estimated that there are 70 million homeless dogs and cats in the United States alone. Breeders contribute to the problem.

Of course, Kendrick Perkins may not be aware of this statistic. The former NBA player revealed that his company has dogs worth up to $1 million in their kennels.

"We started developing relationships. I started learning more about the DNA, the color, the structure — the things that people want," Perkins said. "And now we’re to the point where we actually have dogs that are in our kennel that are worth $250K, $500K — and we even have one that’s worth $1 million.”

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