
“Look out for me! That motherf***er didn’t” - Former NBA champion says Doc Rivers lowballed him in contract talks for smoking weed

Doc Rivers low-balled Glen Davis during contract negotiations (Image via Getty Images)
Doc Rivers low-balled Glen Davis during contract negotiations (Image via Getty Images)

Glen "Big Baby" Davis and Doc Rivers had a long player-coach relationship. Davis spent the first four years of his NBA career with the Boston Celtics under Rivers.

The big man ended his career in Los Angeles, playing for the Clippers, and once again, it was Rivers who coached him. However, it appears that the two did not get along very well.

Davis recently spoke about his relationship with his former coach and said that Rivers "lowballed" him during contract negotiations in 2014.

"I had a deal with Washington Wizards at the time before I was going to sign back with the Clippers, and they shut it down. And Doc was like, 'You know what you want to do.'" Davis said. "He lowballed me because of that situation. He was like, 'You're over here smoking weed.'
"I'm like, 'I'm with DeAndre Jordan. I'm with Matt Barnes. We're all hanging. We're on vacation over here."

It's important to note that Rivers was not just the coach for the Los Angeles Clippers, he was also the president of basketball operations. Whenever there was a big decision to make, including player deals, Doc had the final say.

Doc Rivers disappointed Glen Davis with a low offer

Glen Davis made $34 million during his injury-shortened NBA career. While he was far from a superstar, he was a decent role player who made his money by being a backup center.

Before his new contract with the Clippers, Davis was coming off a $6 million contract with the Orlando Magic. He averaged 9.4 points and 5.2 rebounds per game that season, which was very good for the backup big man.

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However, Doc Rivers offered him a low contract due to the Amsterdam marijuana controversy that surrounded the center. Unsurprisingly, Davis was shocked and disappointed by this decision.

"You're my boy. Why would you lowball me?" Davis said. "I'm like your son. Didn't you pay your son? Right? You know what I mean? Like, look out for me. That motherf***er didn't. He went pay Spencer Hawes. That's my boy Spencer Hawes. He went to pay Spencer Hawes 22 million."

While this decision by Rivers may not have been the best, Davis could have accepted an offer from another team.

It's also important to note that before the 2014-15 season, Davis opted out of his contract and decided to become a free agent. The big man was hoping to get a long-term contract, but all he got was a one-year contract worth $1.2 million.

Unfortunately for him, this was Davis' last NBA contract as he suffered an ankle injury. He had surgery in September 2015 and never returned to the league again. The big man spent one season playing in Canada. His greatest NBA achievement was winning a championship wit Rivers and the Boston Celtics in 2008.

What happened in Amsterdam that made Doc Rivers low-ball Davis?

In the summer of 2014, DeAndre Jordan and Glen Davis were spotted in Amsterdam outside of a "coffee shop." This is where most people smoke marijuana, and it seems that's precisely what the big man was doing.

DeAndre Jordan and Glen Davis really enjoying their Amsterdam vacation. Have fun you 2! http://t.co/4YByoSJC7q

The NBA had a strict drug policy, and it appears that Doc Rivers did, too. He wasn't happy about the photos from Amsterdam, which were first leaked by TMZ.

Jordan was under contract with the Clippers and was one of the key players on the team. But Davis wasn't that important.

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