
"Here’s a hundred bucks. Let the guy eat whatever": Shaquille O'Neal explained why he buys food for the homeless instead of giving money

Shaquille O'Neal never backs off when it comes to providing for the ones in need. The former LA Lakers star's philanthropic and charitable work is well documented. O'Neal ensures the donations and efforts he takes go to the cause. That resulted in him feeding homeless people instead of simply offering them money.

He didn't have a great experience when he saw one of the homeless people use his money for the wrong reasons, like buying alcohol and drugs. Here's what he wrote about this in his book, "Shaq Uncut: My Story," which was published in 2011:

"Every time I see a homeless person it bothers me. Once I was in LA and I gave a guy some money, and then I saw him go into the liquor store and buy booze with the money I’d just given him. I couldn’t be angry. It was my fault, really.
"Another time some homeless guy asked me to help him out because he was hungry, so I give him a wad of bills. Then I’m driving around and he and some other guy are making an exchange, so clearly now I’m paying for this guy’s drugs."

Shaquille O'Neal explained the alternative to offering money was food instead, as it wouldn't lead to the homeless people buying drugs or alcohol.

"At that point I decided, You know what? I don’t want homeless people to go hungry, so next time they want money I’m gonna buy them food instead," wrote Shaq.

To ensure a homeless person he provides for doesn't buy alcohol at a restaurant, O'Neal always informed the manager to avoid placing orders for alcohol.

"Now when I see a homeless person and he looks down and out and smells kind of bad, I take him into a restaurant, put him in the corner away from the other customers, and tell the manager, 'Here’s a hundred bucks. Let the guy eat whatever he wants—but no booze,'" wrote Shaq.

Shaquille O'Neal's teachings and experiences led to him being generous

Shaquille O'Neal was well-raised by his stepfather Philip Harrison and his mother, Lucille O'Neal. The former Lakers star had a difficult childhood, as his biological father didn't raise him. He had to move around quite a bit and didn't have a rich financial background.

His parent's teachings and his personal experiences made him the generous individual he is today. Whether it's buying kids sneakers or gadgets their parents can't afford or feeding homeless people, Shaq makes generous donations whenever he finds the opportunity. The NBA legend spent millions thus far in charity work while building a $400 million empire.

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