
“His best friend got died drowning “ – John Salley reveals Michael Jordan’s only flaw

Many who grew up watching Michael Jordan play basketball view him as a sort of mythological figure who's larger than life. With an uncanny ability to hang in the air for what felt like an eternity, Jordan did more than dominate the game of basketball, he inspired the next generation.

Whether he was pulling up for a game-winning shot, driving to the hoop or engaging in trash talk, Jordan had an unmistakable air about him. Hall of Famer Allen Iverson said that, even as an adult, he still gets nervous around Jordan given his larger-than-life persona.

With a fearless demeanor and a unique ability to strike fear in the hearts of his opponents, Micahel Jordan is viewed by many as the ultimate competitor. Despite that, there's one thing even MJ won't do: learn how to swim. During an interview with DJ Vlad, NBA veteran John Salley opened up on Jordan's past:

"I've fought him all the time, you know. I always said, 'Man, the greatest player of all time.' I said, 'I can't believe they're saying this about you. You can't even swim!' ... for real.
"He had a bad situation. His best friend got died drowning. ... I've watched him try to learn to swim, and I was like, 'You can't even swim!' You know, that's the only thing he can't do."
Basketball icon Michael Jordan
Basketball icon Michael Jordan

Looking at the tragic events that led Michael Jordan to fear swimming

According to his biography, "Michael Jordan: The Life," it wasn't just one incident that led the basketball icon to fear water, there were several incidents.

A seven-year-old MJ was swimming with his friend in the ocean, when the friend was pulled under by a strong current. Jordan held onto him, trying to save him. However, when the boy panicked, Jordan was forced to choose between saving himself or getting pulled under with his friend.

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He recalled the harrowing experience in an interview with Playboy in 1992:

“I went swimming with a close friend one day, and we were out wading and riding the waves coming in. The current was so strong (that) it took him under and he locked up on me. It’s called the ‘death lock’ when they know they’re in trouble and about to die. I almost had to break his hand. He was gonna take me with him.”

Several years later, Jordan nearly drowned at the age of 11 while swimming at a baseball camp. However, he was saved just in time.

His traumatic experiences with water didn't stop there. Early on in college, Jordan's girlfriend drowned while swimming on school break.

Although he has tried to work through the fear in recent years, it's no wonder why the basketball great is terrified of water.

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