
"How the f**k can I create voice and power for us as black creators, as black people" - LeBron James is determined to raise the Black community on various levels, says he's dedicated to empowering his community

LeBron James has always been an advocate for black excellence. He emphasized his determination to continue to help the black community thrive.

James just cut the ribbon for his new building, the LeBron James Innovation Center, on Nike's campus. The 4-time NBA champion became a Nike athlete before he entered the league, and 20 years later their partnership is still solid.

On "The Shop," James was asked how he feels about owning his building. The LA Lakers captain, despite all he has achieved, said it is unbelievable.

LBJ highlighted that he often wonders how he has gotten to this point, also stating that it was what he wanted since he was a kid. He also spoke about how every time he tries to appreciate such achievements, he remembers how underprivileged he was.

James spoke about how he is in a position to help his community and will continue to do so.

(From 8:20)

"To be able to give us a lane of opportunity. We've gone so long with not being heard. One of my biggest aspirations, one of my biggest goals, was how the f**k can I create voice and power for us as black creators, as black people? Not only to create the lane but also to be able to gain and own our lane."

James has so far been a significant contributor to his community, most notably his school. In Akron, he opened the I Promise School to help at-risk children get a basic education.

LeBron James has always spoken up against social injustice

LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers
LeBron James of the Los Angeles Lakers

James has been a leading voice for social justice and has often used his platform to condemn such practices. He has received a lot of hate on social media for his stance on these issues, but it has never deterred him.

In 2020, he was one of the players that led the movement for the playoffs to be called off. The protest was an attempt to get the NBA owners to use their influence to end police brutality after the shooting of Jacob Blake by the police.

The Milwaukee Bucks were the first team to refuse to step on the court after the incident. However, it was reported that James was the first to walk out of a meeting that was organized to discuss how the players can return to action.

While many have applauded James for his efforts, some have tackled him for his views. In 2018, reporter Laura Ingraham told James to "shut up and dribble." She claimed that he has no knowledge of politics and should not be criticizing then-US President Donald Trump.

Nonetheless, LeBron James has not stopped using his platform to preach equality. Whenever an opportunity presents itself, he has been vocal about social injustice.

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