
"I learned that the cards are stacked against a lot of people" - Klay Thompson sends heartfelt message about creating opportunity for marginalized communities

Klay Thompson at Golden State Warriors Media Day
Klay Thompson at Golden State Warriors Media Day

Klay Thompson looks set to return to action with the Golden State Warriors in the 2021-22 NBA season. Having missed the last two seasons to injury, Thompson aims to make a comeback and contribute.

With some time before his season debut with the Warriors, however, Thompson had a lot to address on Golden State Warriors' media day. When asked about his perspective on social justice changing through the years, he replied with:

"I learned that the cards are stacked against a lot of people. I was the son of an NBA player (Mychal Thompson). So, for a lot of my life, I was able to operate in spaces with a lot of white people, a lot of people who come from great families to who go to college, who are lawyers, doctors. "
"But then you come to the NBA and you learn from your teammates and you learn from players who come from inner-city or the favelas of Brazil, and they have worked so hard to elevate their lifestyle. But it's hard because you have so much family and friends who you want to have that same American experience. Sometimes the cards are just stacked against you, whether it's the neighborhood you grow up in, the school system you're in. It's hard just to obtain assurance of your next meal.”
"And 2020 really taught me that we still have such a long way to go, especially in this country. You know, for people to have the same opportunity I had as a kid. I had everything handed to me. I had gym access. I had great schooling. And I want every child, no matter what color you are, to have that opportunity, and it might seem like it's impossible but it's not, and I think you start within your community first."
Klay Thompson. From the heart. https://t.co/8x7v96Y4P6

Klay Thompson's active role in the community

Klay Thompson plays an active role in the community outside the NBA
Klay Thompson plays an active role in the community outside the NBA

In recent years, many media personalities have started using their platforms to raise awareness about social issues and the system.

While the NBA has always had a number of players who have played an active role in building communities and working towards improving social conditions, this activity really snowballed during the Black Lives Matter movement in the US.

With the NBA organization and its players actively taking a stand against racial inequality in the country, the movement took on a bigger form and gained a number of figures. Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry played a significant role in the community at this time by participating in the protests.

Warriors guards Stephen Curry & Klay Thompson took part in peaceful protests in Oakland on Wednesday.

@coxcourtney | #NBA | #Warriors | nesn.com/nba/ https://t.co/kYIURbUVXZ

The lens that is often enjoyed by individuals who don't endure the circumstances of marginalized communities paints a very different perspective of life as well. Klay Thompson mentions his understanding of opportunities and how different they are from people without access to the same amenities.

With the majority of time spent in recovery last season, Thompson spent that time participating in social justice rallies. With the aim of using his platform the right way, he and other NBA players such as Jaylen Brown continue their work off the court towards improving conditions for marginalized communities.

Also Read: Who is Klay Thompson’s girlfriend, Laura Harrier?

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