
"I don't like the look of you, you gotta go” – When Jimmy Butler’s mom kicked him to the curb before he got adopted 

Jimmy Butler has been tearing up the entire league with his game in this year's postseason as an underdog, making the Miami Heat's run a Cinderella story. But before he made a name for himself in the NBA, Butler had to go through some harsh environments to help him become the player he's known today.

Back when he was in a small town in Texas, Butler was kicked out by his mother at the age of 13. According to the NBA star, he bounced around friends' houses throughout his high school years. The moment he was kicked out of their house, his mother had some harsh words to say about him.

"I don't like the look of you. You gotta go."

In his senior year of high school, Butler found a home that accepted him. The Leslie family took him in and treated him like he was their own family. Despite this, the Heat star still maintains a great relationship with his biological parents and has moved on from the past.

Jeff Teague shared what happened with Jimmy Butler in Minnesota

Before he became the face of the franchise for the Miami Heat, Jimmy Butler made waves in the headlines with what happened with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Finally, after years, we got a chance to hear what happened in the Wolves' locker room, thanks to Jeff Teague.

"We were at practice one day, Jimmy ain't came to no workouts. So, workouts start in September, we don't see Jimmy. Nobody's talking to Jimmy. We start training camp, he comes three days after training camp starts. Thibs, when he gets excited, his hands start to shake. Jimmy walks in, he starts shaking."

"Thibs said, 'We're gonna scrimmage.' Jimmy hopped up 'I'm playing.' Thibs' hands go crazy. He like, 'Starters! Jeff, Jimmy, Wiggs, Taj, KAT!' Jimmy said, 'I ain't playing with them.' Jimmy said, 'I'm playing with them.' He picked the Bad News Bears. They were good players, but they weren't making the team."

Jeff Teague's hilarious story about Jimmy Butler's infamous Timberwolves practice when he beat the starters 18-6 with the Bad News Bears, yelled at the GM to "pay me" and then ran off to do an interview with Rachel Nichols.

From the Club 520 Podcast on YouTube https://t.co/qnMClRLZTU
"Jimmy started talking to the GM, 'Y'all MFers better pay me! I'm like that!' I'm laughing, not realizing what's coming with this..." Teague continued. "They go in this 10-0 run, they dunking, hitting threes. Jimmy ain't scored at all, he just stealing the ball, passing to people getting assists, just playing the right way. But he doing everything. Time run out, they win. They beat us like 18-6."
"Jimmy darts to the locker room. So, we play the second unit, we beat him, we all run to the locker room, 'Jimmy bring your a** back out, we wanna play again.' Jimmy gone. Jimmy at home. We keep playing, we have practice for another hour, we all showering. ESPN pops up, Rachel Nichols and Jimmy Butler on TV. He like, 'Yeah, I just killed them at practice.'"

Also read: What college did Jimmy Butler go to? Looking at Heat's superstar stats in his early days of basketball

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