
"I can't stand watching that bi***": Comedian Corey Holcomb lashes out at Ayesha and Steph Curry with fiery words

It appears that Ayesha and Steph Curry's relationship has drawn the attention of comedian Corey Holcomb but not in a good way. In an episode of The Corey Holcomb 5150 Show, Holcomb took shots at the due, specifically Ayesha.

He went on a rant, calling out Ayesha Curry for being jealous of the attention that her husband gets, on an episode that was live streamed on July 26. He called her out with some expletives while referring to an incident that occured during a Drake concert.

"Look, this is what's happening in America. There's a lot of feminists or whatever that word is." said Holcomb "Women who got issues with men, Ayesha Curry type b*****s...

Holcomb's co-host did not seem to be aware of what Holcomb was referring to, so he continued:

"Ayesha Curry was at the (Drake) concert with her husband. Drake said something to Steph. ... "This woman was so mad that Drake was speaking to her husband and not giving her all the credit."

On another episode that live streamed on August 30, he went off on Ayesha Curry again, this time calling her out for disrespecting Steph.

"Look at my brother, I hate to call (Steph Curry) out, but I can't stand watching that b**** disrespect him.

He continued:

"When you see that woman talk, if you a man you cringe. You'd be like 'oh my god, look what he lives with, that b**** hate him.'

Holcomb's critical outlook on Ayesha Curry may have caught some people off guard, especially as there has been no reported rift between her and Steph. In fact, the two celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary on July 30.

Also Read: Ayesha Curry turns Steph Curry into a skincare diva with hilarious video of Warriors star looking out of his element.

A viral video of Ayesha and Steph Curry at a Drake concert could be root of Holcomb's criticism

Corey Holcomb and other fans caught a particular interaction between the Currys and Canadian artist Drake during one of the latter's concerts.

In the video, Drake, a massive NBA fan, acknowledged the presence of Golden State Warriors superstar Steph Curry and his wife Ayesha. Throughout the interaction, it appears that Ayesha was giving Steph the side eye.

Many fans interpreted that look to be Ayesha Curry exhibiting negative feelings towards her husband and the attention he gets. She appears to have addressed the situation with an Instagram post that's captioned "He thinks y'all are weird TBH."

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There appears to be no concrete evidence that Ayesha is jealous of Steph Curry, his success and the attention he receives. Everything can simply be credited to people misinterpreting a situation.

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