
“I wanted to fight KD” - Ish Wainright once got 'pissed' at Kevin Durant for annihilating his defense in front of Monty Williams

"How does one defend Kevin Durant?" is a question that has surely entered the minds of all NBA fans who have observed his countless scoring masterclasses against some of the best defensive strategies ever devised. To know that the answer to that is unknown even to players who see and get to face up against Durant on a regular basis is probably proof of his otherworldly scoring ability.

And this is exactly what comes to mind from yet another KD anecdote, this time featuring his current teammate, Ish Wainright. Wainright might not be an NBA star, but his defensive prowess is what got him to the league after stints overseas and his athleticism and defensive ability are certainly top-notch.

However, as revealed in an interview, even with his physical tools and defensive acumen, there wasn't really much he could do against Kevin Durant. The frustration from trying and failing even made him want to fight his KD, according to Wainright. All of this in the presence of their then coach, Monty Williams, that too.

"When I tell you, I was so mad, I wanted to fight KD after the practice," Wainright said on PHNX SUNS Podcast. "Coach Mont was on a bike, and I'm playing three on three. And K is just. I'm hitting him, slapping him, and he gets to his spot. My hand is in his face and he doesn't even see me" describes Wainright on Kevin Durant being unstoppable even in training.
"I think he hit the game winner on me. And I was p***ed" Wainright went on to add, talking about how he felt at KD dropping the game winner on him.

While it might just have been training, Wainright's efforts were definitely physical and dedicated, but Durant certainly didn't have any trouble doing what he does best.

Kevin Durant's performance led to Monty Williams consoling Wainright by calling KD one of the greatest ever.

Coach Monty Williams considered Kevin Durant one of the greatest players ever
Coach Monty Williams considered Kevin Durant one of the greatest players ever

Wainright's defense may have been elite but after being annihilated by KD in training, he had to be reminded by his coach, Monty Williams of Durant's status as one of the greatest to ever play the game.

Williams went on to explain why Wainright shouldn't be disappointed and how it is okay to be at the receiving end of a KD scoring clinic, just because of his status as one of the finest ever to grace the league.

Durant is a sureshot in any list compiling all-time great offensive players in the NBA. Wainright might consider himself a great defender, but much more accomplished individuals have tried and failed. Williams' consolation is apt and Wainright should process it and get ready for more such days, considering their continued status as teammates at Phoenix.

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