
ICYMI: "Charles might lick the beater" - Shaquille O'Neal teaches Stephen Colbert how to bake 'Colbert Diesel Oreo Brownies', takes shot at Charles Barkley

Shaquille O'Neal (left) cooking brownies with Stephen Colbert on the Late Night Show
Shaquille O'Neal (left) cooking brownies with Stephen Colbert on the Late Night Show

Shaquille O'Neal cooked brownies with late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert and made a joke about Charles Barkley in the process.

O'Neal has authored a cookbook for everyday use so that even amateur chefs can make quick and easy dishes. He has publicized the book all over the country and on his social media platforms. The cookbook, called "Shaq's Family Style", is advertised as ones "with recipes so easy that even Charles Barkley could do it".

O'Neal was a guest on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", where he publicized his new venture. He talked about the inspiration to write a cookbook and then live-cooked brownies with the host Stephen Colbert. While cooking, he was asked if he licked the batter off the beater. O'Neal denied doing so but jokingly suggested that Barkley might do it.

"Stephen Colbert: That looks fantastic. Now, do you lick the beater?...You know if someone is good like if the kids are in the kitchen, and they are good, they get to lick the batter, the beater off the batter."
"Shaquille O'Neal: No, sir...Charles may lick the beater, but I don't."
"Do you lick the beater?"

- @StephenAtHome and @SHAQ make brownies from the Shaq's Family Style cookbook, and roast Charles Barkley at the same time. #LSSC https://t.co/QNh0icTDKZ

O'Neal named the brownies he was cooking as "Colbert Diesel Oreo Brownies". He explained that Colbert and Diesel are the names of the host and himself, respectively, and the brownies were made using the popular cookie Oreos.

Shaquille O'Neal roasted Charles Barkley a lot on the show. He spoke about his potbelly, describing the condition as "CBOTB", which stands for "Charles Barkley over The Belt Belly". He also commented on Barkley's age, exaggerating that the latter was 50 in 'dog years', so he was roughly 350 years old.

Shaquille O'Neal shares his inspiration to write cookbook, says he doesn't eat as much as Charles Barkley

Shaquille O'Neal at the NCAA Men's Final Four National Championship in 2016
Shaquille O'Neal at the NCAA Men's Final Four National Championship in 2016

Shaquille O'Neal has his name on several brands and products, and his list of entrepreneurial ventures is endless.

He has owned and operated restaurants and clubs but has never been known as a chef. When Colbert asked him what inspired him to write the cookbook, O'Neill answered:

"Well, I like to eat a lot, not as much as Charles (Barkley) but I like to eat. I have three chefs...During the pandemic when I had nothing to do, I finally said 'Teach me how to cook that.'...I'm a visual guy like if I see somebody do it and then I start practicing it, i develop muscle memory so before you know it, I was cooking 10 to 15 dishes during the pandemic."
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While stuck at home with virtually no work, O'Neal started to learn the art of cooking from his in-house chefs. He eventually started cooking a variety of dishes during the pandemic.

The three-time NBA Finals MVP is a fan of fast food or rather easy-to-make dishes. He is not particularly into "rich people food" such as hors d'oeuvre or caviar. He said he prefers items like chicken wings, pizza and chips. The LA Lakers legend dedicated his cookbook to his mother.

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