
"Just give me 5 minutes on center court with him... Imma beat your a**, imma beat the hell out of you" - Charles Barkley offers unique solution to get rid of hecklers

Charles Barkley has an unorthodox and quick fix to fans who go over the line. [Photo: New York Post]
Charles Barkley has an unorthodox and quick fix to fans who go over the line. [Photo: New York Post]

Charles Barkley firmly believes that NBA fans are great except for those who go over the line. Instead of all that goes on behind the scenes in settling some of these arguments with hecklers, Barkley offered an unusual but quick fix to the issue.

The issue of hecklers and inebriated fans doing more than just simple taunting and jeering came after reports of Chris Paul’s family getting harassed in Dallas. Barkley, who was covering the game with the NBA on TNT crew, reiterated his simple solution to such incidents:

“Some of the crap they say to you, hey, just give me 5 minutes on the center court with him and then say, ‘You ain’t gonna press no charges, ain’t nobody gonna be sued civilly, say what you just said to me right to my face, right here for this five minutes, Imma beat your a**, imma beat the hell out of you.’”

Charles Barkley offered a solution to when a fan at a game can’t control themselves. https://t.co/DEw45eV7Kj

When co-host Ernie Johnson asked him if five minutes was enough, the former MVP replied:

“I’m gonna take my time. I’m not gonna beat him up quickly. I’m gonna jab him a little bit then I’m gonna lay the haymakers on their a**.”

Kenny Smith had to point out to “Chuck” the obvious that what he's advocating has no place in the real world. Amidst the back-and-forth, Shaquille O’Neal’s booming voice kept egging Charles Barkley on:

“I hear you, Foreman! Charles Foreman!”

Barkley's proposal will not happen, but there’s a good chance some NBA players will readily agree to the out-of-the-box solution.

Chris Paul's family had a run-in with a fan in Game 4 of Phoenix Suns vs Dallas Mavericks series

A Dallas Mavericks fan was removed from the arena for harassing CP3's family. [Sports Illustrated]
A Dallas Mavericks fan was removed from the arena for harassing CP3's family. [Sports Illustrated]

The riveting action between the Phoenix Suns and Dallas Mavericks was halted when a commotion broke out behind the Suns’ bench. A Mavs fan reportedly put his hand on CP3’s mother while his wife was pushed. Adding flames to the incident was the fact that Paul’s kids saw the whole incident.

It was easy to sense through the post Paul put up on social media exactly how upset he was with the incident:

“Wanna fine players for saying stuff to the fans but the fans can put they hands on our families…f**k that!

Wanna fine players for saying stuff to the fans but the fans can put they hands on our families….fuck that!!

The Dallas Mavericks would later respond to what happened with an acknowledgment of the commotion:

“The Dallas Mavericks are aware of an incident between a fan and the family of Chris Paul. It was an unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. The Mavericks, along with American Airlines Center, swiftly removed the fan from today’s game.”

Statement from the Mavs after Game 4: “The Dallas Mavericks are aware of an incident between a fan and the family of Chris Paul. It was unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. The Mavericks, along with American Airlines Center, swiftly removed the fan from today’s game.” twitter.com/mcten/status/1…

An issue like this could have triggered a remake of The Malice in the Palace had authorities not quickly intervened. Basketball fans who lustily boo and cheer make the NBA what it is today, but fans who go out of bounds have no place in the game.

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