
"Kids don’t even watch games anymore, just go to highlights on Twitter and Instagram" - Former NBA player accuses LeBron James of taking the passion out of the game, later clarifies his stance

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Los Angeles Lakers v Washington Wizards

Former NBA player Brandon Jennings made some strong comments last week. He criticized the league and its players, LeBron James in particular, for abusing player empowerment. The former Milwaukee Bucks player spoke about how the league is losing its popularity with the next generation.

On Twitter, Brandon Jennings clarified that LeBron James and Chris Paul were not to blame for the situation. The former NBA guard reiterated that James and CP3 have earned it but that the others have made life difficult.

"Bron and CP earned that!! But it’s not for everybody is what I’m saying. Certain players can do certain stuff. But everyone can’t be comfortable trying to get that off. It’s still a business and system to respect," Jennings wrote.

Earlier this week, Jennings fired off a series of tweets about players in the league spoiling the game for the next generation. Jennings wrote that the league needs to change its rules and criticized that it's become a "players league."

"Naw I feel like it was CP3, Bron and them… speaking on Players this and that. And my thing is get the money I understand that!!! But the passion for the game is lost!!! Kids don’t even watch games anymore just go to highlights on Twitter and Instagram," he wrote.

Jennings is referring to how outspoken LeBron James and Chris Paul have been throughout their illustrious careers. However, their ability on the court is what gives them a voice off of it.

Bron and CP earned that!!

But it’s not for everybody is what I’m saying. Certain players can do certain stuff. But everyone can’t be comfortable trying to get that off. It’s still a business and system to respect.

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Is Jennings right about LeBron James and other NBA players?

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Toronto Raptors v Washington Wizards

Brandon Jennings did not hold back when voicing his displeasure over the way the NBA is being run at the moment.

Jennings may be right about players like Kyrie Irving and Ben Simmons. Irving does things whatever he wants. The guard has played more than 60 regular-season games once since 2017. His personal beliefs frequently trump his contractual obligations.

If you mess with the process and don’t have that passion & respect the owners are about to get fed up on the next CBA and no one wants that

Ben Simmons, on the other hand, was criticized by some media members for his commentary on mental health issues. That is the biggest reason why he wanted out of Philadelphia. Simmons missed time for a back issue after being traded to the Brooklyn Nets. Simmons got paid after not stepping on the court for a single minute.

However, Brandon Jennings may be wrong about LeBron James. King James has always stood up for what he believes is right for the players.

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