
"LeBron has always been too nice.... Michael Jordan did not care or want to be loved, Michael Jordan simply loved winning" - Skip Bayless believes LeBron James wants to be loved too much to be in the GOAT conversation

LeBron James, left, and Michael Jordan, right at the 2022 NBA All-Star Game
LeBron James, left, and Michael Jordan, right at the 2022 NBA All-Star Game

Skip Bayless took to his podcast to reiterate his belief that Michael Jordan is better than LeBron James. Bayless argued that Jordan was far more determined to win than James, stating:

"LeBron has never been the cold-blooded basketball killer and closer that Michael Jordan was, Kobe was, or that Shaq was. LeBron has never had that give me the ball and get out of my way closer mentality that it takes to be a Jordan or a Kobe or even a Shaq."

Bayless spoke about how James' need for approval undermined his legacy, stating:

"The bottom-line for me has always been that LeBron has always been too nice a guy to be considered in the GOAT conversation. Always wanted to be loved too much to be considered in the GOAT conversation."

As the LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan debate rages on, Skip Bayless has fueled the debate with his outrageous takes. However, Skip Bayless' loyalty to Michael Jordan and criticism of LeBron James does make for great TV.

GOAT debates like LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan reek of futility

Skip Bayless believes LeBron James just doesn't have that killer instinct.
Skip Bayless believes LeBron James just doesn't have that killer instinct.

Bayless' takes are particularly hysterical because there are much simpler ways to establish that Michael Jordan is the greatest. Championships, advanced metrics, and perception all point to Jordan being the greatest, but a true comparison will always remain speculative.

Concrete conclusions simply can't be drawn when comparing legends who played in different eras.

Michael Jordan and James never went toe-to-toe in their primes or played against the same opponents. They didn't even play under the same set of rules, therefore we can only adjust their numbers to account for the level of opposition.

It is also extremely ignorant not to include Kobe Bryant, who arguably has a more iconic legacy than James. This debate often doesn't include legends such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.

Michael Jordan is an outlier because he did wonders to restore the NBA's image after its countless drug issues. Jordan was also a catalyst in turning basketball into a global sport.

Ultimately, every player makes their own unique mark on the league, aided by the contributions of those that came before them. The greatest will always be a subjective debate, with no clear-cut conclusion.

The GOAT debate is a great talking point and, when taken at face-value, can be a fun way to communicate the individual perspectives of fans.

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