
"Oh shit, pops out there grinding, mom's out there grinding” – LeBron James is aspiring to instill vision in the younger generation, says he believes in the younger generation and will continue to grind for it

LeBron James has been one of the most dominant players in the NBA for two entire decades now. From leading a team to the championship in year seventeen to expressing a desire to play with both of his sons, James' work ethic is unmatched. It has been revealed in the past that James has even gone as far as to spend upwards of $1M a year to keep himself in peak physical shape.

Given all that he's accomplished, it would be easy for James to hang it up and ride off into the sunset. With aspirations of owning an NBA franchise one day, it's no secret that LeBron James has given serious consideration to his plans after he retires from basketball. The way he sees things, however, it's all about setting a good example for the next generation the same way his parents have for him.

During a recent episode of Uninterrupted The Shop, James spoke about the importance of setting a good example. Relating back to his own childhood experiences, the four-time NBA Champion spoke about his mindset. Catch his comments shortly after the 14-minute mark.

"I think from that perspective, as far as our kids and things of that nature, I just hope that they-- I hope that we've instilled enough vision in them that they look and see the passion that we put into what we do on a day-to-day basis. And they can relate from that."

James went on to open up on his childhood and some of the things he endured. The way he sees it, some of the things he went through helped make him the person he is today. With countless examples of the importance of grinding, LeBron James took things into his own hands.

"Because everything that I learned from growing up also, I mean, obviously, I had to-- I didn't have shit, so, like, I needed to go get it. But I also saw the determination that my mom had. And I also saw, you know, my uncles and what they instilled as well. So like, you just hope that you're doing it the right way and you're grinding, 'cause we're still grinding."

LeBron James Impact On The Next Generation

LeBron James - Los Angeles Lakers Media Day
LeBron James - Los Angeles Lakers Media Day

It's no secret that LeBron James' philanthropy efforts are second to none. James famously announced 'The Decision' on TV, the Boys & Girls Club of America received $2.5M of profit. In his own words, James just hopes that when it comes to his own kids, the example he set is enough.

"The right way that when your kids are looking and you don't know when they looking, they like, Oh, shit, Pops out there grinding, Mom's out there grinding, you know? You just hope that you've done enough, you've done enough."

Considering how charitable James has been and how much money he has allocated to helping others, the example he continues to set has been a great one.

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