
"Mama James always holds it down" - LeBron James lauds mother Gloria's extensive work with "I Promise School"

In 2018, LeBron James opened the "I Promise School" in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. The 20-time All-Star recently took to social media to thank someone very close to him for their work at the school.

Among those on the staff at the school is LeBron's own mother, Gloria. She helps teach third grade with a group of other teachers.

Recently, Gloria sat down with local news to talk about what she does at the I Promise School. LeBron James posted a clip of the interview on social media, praising his mother for her hard work.

"Mama James always holds it down!!!" James tweeted.

LeBron launched this school to help at risk-children in the area he grew up in. He got inspired to do this project after seeing numbers on the dropout rate of high school students in Akron.

LeBron James' mom praises him for off-court charity work

LeBron James made sure to praise his mom on social media, but she also had a lot of glowing things to say about him. During her interview, she talked about all the work the LA Lakers does outside basketball.

Throughout his NBA career, LeBron has done countless deeds to try help better communities and help those in need. While speaking about the I Promise School, Gloria James also touched on how proud she is of the work her son puts in charity wise.

"I'm so very proud of him," Gloria said. "Always been very proud of him. He's such a giving and caring and compassionate person. What's most important to LeBron is the work he does off the court. And that's the changes of the lives of the people in our community."

Last summer, LeBron and his foundation went above and beyond with their work in Akron. Along with setting up the school, he also created affordable housing for the students and their families.

"I Promise Housing" went up in June of 2023. It's a building that consists of 50 apartment units for families of all sizes. Majority of the apartments are two, three or four bedrooms, and there is a fitness center.

LeBron's work helping those in need in Akron spans all the back to the start of his career in 2004. It started out small, mainly helping kids obtains the necessary school supplies. Now, it has grown into this massive projects that will positively impact the area for years to come.

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