
 “Maple Jordan dunked in 8th grade?!?” – Fans in splits after Andrew Wiggins' 8th-grade yearbook photo gets revealed

NBA fans have been in absolute splits ever since it was revealed that Andrew Wiggins claimed to have done a windmill dunk before ever hitting high school. Photos emerged of Wiggins' eighth-grade yearbook photo, with several quotes under it.

In one of them, Wiggins claimed to have done a windmill dunk already. Naturally, that generated some hilarious responses online.

Andrew Wiggins in his middle school yearbook 💀😭 https://t.co/TEmfodT94H
@ButtCrackSports Maple Jordan dunked in 8th grade?!?
@ButtCrackSports We all know damn well Wiggs did not do a windmill dunk in middle school
@ButtCrackSports “Living your life to the fullest” might be the most boring choice for favorite saying possible.
@ButtCrackSports Who spelled favorite wrong? 🤔🥴
@ButtCrackSports It’s hard to tell if this is real because of who’s posting it but if it is it’s pretty tame lol. Nothing too crazy
@ButtCrackSports Junior Jordan
@ButtCrackSports my brother that is Dave chappelle
@ButtCrackSports this is very wholesome. its easy to forget these players and kids are real people.
@ButtCrackSports So Wiggins and I are the same minus the NBA, junior Jordan, windmill dunk, and catchphrase.
@ButtCrackSports Andrew wiggins literally could be summed up as a person that likes to chill with friends. Thats it lmao
@ButtCrackSports Is he 80? Why is it in black and white?
@ButtCrackSports Y’all clowning but this hard
@ButtCrackSports Windmill dunk in middle school is crazy
@ButtCrackSports Andrew Wiggins just doing windmill dunks in middle school... Wow!

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