
"NBA Commissioner forced you to take almost 2 seasons away from NBA?" - Skip Bayless shares questions he would direct at Michael Jordan

When Michael Jordan retired from basketball to pursue a professional baseball career, many questioned if more was at play. A well-known fact about Jordan is that he loved to gamble. This led tp people theorized that his hiatus from basketball was a suspension.

Rumors suggested that Jordan was caught betting on NBA games. Commissioner David Stern was subsequently forced to hand down a suspension. Due to Jordan's influence on the popularity of the league, Stern allegedly agreed to make the suspension a secret. Jordan played minor league baseball while serving the alleged suspension, knowing full well that he would return to the NBA.

While there has been no evidence to back up the rumor, it remains incredibly popular. 'Skip and Shannon: Undisputed' co-host Skip Bayless recently revealed the one question he would ask MJ if given the opportunity.

"I would ask him this question: Michael, is the speculation true that the NBA commissioner forced you to take almost two seasons away from the NBA in part because you liked to play golf, and cards, with and against professional gamblers?
"And that the year you played minor league baseball in Birmingham just gave you something to do while you were effectively suspended"
If I had the opportunity to ask the GOAT, Michael Jeffrey Jordan one single question, this is what it would be:


You can see his comments in the video above.

Michael Jordan addresses the allegations

The rumor that Michael Jordan was suspended by the NBA has become incredibly popular. Although his story about pursuing baseball in honor of his father is understandable, there's one part to the story that doesn't make sense.

During his exit interview, which came just four months after the NBA investigated whether he violated any league rules, Jordan said:

"Five years down the road, if the urge comes back, if the Bulls will have me, if David Stern lets me back in the league, I may come back."

(Suggested Reading: Charles Barkley talks criticism of friend Michael Jordan)

For years, Jordan's words about Stern allowing him back in the league stirred up controversy. Did he violate the league's gambling rules? Did he and Stern make a backroom deal to keep the story under wraps?

Michael Jordan addressed the issue in 'The Last Dance' documentary.

“I didn’t retire because the league kicked me out or they suspended me for a year and a half. That is not true. There’s no truth to that. I needed a break. My father just passed. And I retired. And I retired with the notion that I wasn’t going to come back.”

Although former commissioner David Stern has since passed away and is no longer able to address the matter, he previously shot down the idea. As he claimed before his death, the theory is ridiculous and has no basis in fact.

Regardless, many will continue to ask questions about Jordan's sudden retirement.

(Suggested Reading: How Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls helped a fan get paid $1 million)

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