
NBA News Update: Snoop Dogg reveals how LA Lakers can go back-to-back next year, explains his criticism of Danny Green

Snoop Dogg was among the virtual fans during the 2020 NBA Finals
Snoop Dogg was among the virtual fans during the 2020 NBA Finals

It's well known that superstar rapper Snoop Dogg is a huge LA Lakers fan. He appeared as a virtual fan during several games in the NBA bubble and stole headlines in NBA news updates because of his comments on the team. Snoop Dogg appeared on the latest episode of ESPN's The Jump and gave his views on the LA Lakers and Los Angeles sports in general.

NBA News Update: Snoop Dogg explains how LA Lakers can repeat a championship run next year

With several LA Lakers players becoming free agents this year, Snoop Dogg knows that preserving the core is necessary. He believes that a few returning veterans can help the Purple and Gold mount another title run. He explained:

"I think that was a beautiful culmination of teamwork the way they came together. I liked the way Dwight Howard and Rondo played as far as the veterans...if those two guys come back, if Rondo comes back and Dwight Howard comes back, we can do it again."

Rajon Rondo is expected to decline his player option to test the market. With crosstown rivals LA Clippers reportedly interested, the LA Lakers would want to sort his contract out quickly. As far as Dwight Howard is concerned, he redeemed himself last season and should be offered a new deal by the Purple and Gold.

NBA News Update: Snoop Dogg outlines why he went after Danny Green on social media

Danny Green
Danny Green

Although the LA Lakers eventually won the NBA Finals, they could've wrapped up the series a couple of nights earlier. Danny Green missed a wide-open shot in the final seconds of Game 5 and that allowed the Miami Heat to live another day.

Snoop Dogg uploaded a video shortly after the game, trashing Green for his ineffectiveness. He went on to explain why he goes after LA Lakers players on social media:

"The thing is we love the team that much that we know that they can do better. So when you see me going after Danny Green or going after Caldwell-Pope, it's just to get them better. It's not to try to degrade them or to make them feel low. It's to make them know that we expect them to be on the level that they play on. And when they do perform on that level we get that championship."

Danny Green had to take in a lot of criticism for his inconsistent performances in the NBA bubble. However, all's well that ends well and Green will be looking forward to another fruitful year with LA Lakers next season.

Also read: NBA Trade Rumors: 3 reasons why Rajon Rondo could choose the LA Clippers over LA Lakers

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