
NBA Rumors: Damian Lillard clears the air about potential trade from Portland Trail Blazers, says "I'm not leaving PDX"

Lillard has been Portland's franchise cornerstone for a long time now
Lillard has been Portland's franchise cornerstone for a long time now

Portland Trail Blazers' marquee guard Damian Lillard made it fairly clear that he will continue his stay with the franchise that drafted him 6th overall in the 2012 NBA draft. Since times immemorial, Lillard has been tirelessly dragged into trade talks citing the lack of championship caliber surrounding him with the Portland Trail Blazers.

Being one of the more open NBA superstars, Damian Lillard has often expressed his genuine emotions on social media. And with the recent drop of his album 'Different On Levels the Lord Allowed', such online run-ins have only increased in frequency.

During an instagram live session, Damian Lillard responded to a fan's question by clearly stating that he has no plans of leaving PDX (Portland Trail Blazers) as of now.

Damian Lillard let his intimate thoughts air out as he sat with The Athletic’s Christopher Kamrani. He explains how he is crystal clear with his feelings about the situation and doesn't need to explain himself to anyone.

“You get to a position where it’s like, ‘Do I defend myself or do I just say nothing.’ For me, when I’m just hearing stuff that’s not the facts, I’m going to say I didn’t say that,” Lillard said. “Some things I’ve just got to let it be said. I know what the truth is. I know where I stand. It’s not my duty to make the public know … it’s not my job to make them aware of what that is. It definitely has been different. I feel like I’ve handled it like I’ve handled everything. I just let it happen. I let people talk and I just stay true to who I am and I stand on that. If I say something, I stand on what I said. It is what it is, at this point.”

The Portland Trail Blazers are desperate to get Damian Lillard a realistic shot at the coveted Larry O'Brian trophy, but things have been falling by the wayside a bit too often now.

A rough offseason for Damian Lillard and Portland Trail Blazers

Dame got pulled into the Billups fiasco for no good reason
Dame got pulled into the Billups fiasco for no good reason

This offseason has seen a dramatic tone shift from Damian Lillard's end for the Portland Trail Blazers. The franchise's poor handling of Chauncey Billups' hiring, especially when it came to his sexual assault record, did not help their case either.

Moreover, after recently being kicked out of the first round for the third time in four years - this time by an injury riddled Denver Nuggets squad - the Portland Trail Blazers could only bag Cody Zeller as their highlight offseason signing.

Previously, Damian Lillard has let out his frustrations multiple times regarding the absence of championship mentality in his team. His conversation with Yahoo's Chris Haynes was as glaringly obvious as it could get for the Portland Trail Blazers.

"Our environment has always been great. We're not losing a lot, but we were eliminated by a shorthanded Denver team that I felt we should have beat," Lillard said. "I just walked away from that really disappointed. I was like, 'Man, this just isn't going to work.' We're not winning the championship, but we've got a successful organization. We're not a franchise that's just out here losing every year and getting divided. We have positive seasons; we just don't end up with a championship," Lillard had said.

Damian Lillard's public expressions of frustration has put the Portland Trail Blazers franchise on suicide watch. But it does seem like he plans on giving them one more (last) chance for the upcoming season.

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