
“No one knew where LeBron James was in ‘the bubble’… The whole bubble I didn’t see him” – LA Lakers guard Patrick Beverley speculates special arrangements for James inside ‘The Bubble’

LA Lakers star Patrick Beverley's podcast aired recently and they've been awesome for a few different reasons. On top of what he talks about as a player, he also talks about some of the day-to-day things that NBA players face. One thing in particular that he brought up in a recent episode was when the NBA decided to move to the Orlando bubble because of the Coronavirus.

When players were in the bubble, it was reported that they were not allowed to leave their hotel or do many day-to-day things. The reason for that is that the NBA wanted to cut down on the virus. They figured if players just stood where they were, they wouldn't have to worry about anyone getting sick throughout the remainder of the season.

Patrick Beverley brought up a hilarious point about how he didn't see LeBron James at all during the NBA bubble. He was curious if he even had a different hotel room compared to everybody else.

"I don't know cause I went to Joakim Noah's room across from mine and he was looking at a trash can. And then, no one knew where LeBron James was in the bubble.
"So I don't know if there was, I'm not here to judge rooms or room quality... No one ever seen him like I could tell you that. The whole bubble I didn't see him. I seen all the other Lakers guys but I ain't seen him."
Lebron was living lavish somewhere on the Disney campus https://t.co/hLIoyeDSA6
Phoenix Suns v Los Angeles Lakers
Phoenix Suns v Los Angeles Lakers

It's certainly an interesting thing to think about here because maybe LeBron James did get better treatment than most of the other players. Considering that he's undoubtedly one of the best players to ever play the game, it wouldn't be surprising if the league did give him a better living space.

While also factoring in the fact that he was probably the best player in the NBA during that season, it also makes it seem even more likely that was the case.

Lakers Season Forecast

The LA Lakers have a lot to work on if they want to be the team that they're looking to be this season. It's been absolutely embarrassing from their standpoint this season and it's been a major cause for concern. If they want to continue doing what they are used to doing, they need to get back to being the old Lakers.

LeBron James and Patrick Beverley aren't the reasons why this team is struggling. One thing to think about here is if Russell Westbrook is going to be traded from the Lakers and possibly, that could change their whole organization around.

There's a lot that they're going to need to work on, so let's see what the front office has in store here as they look for potential trade matches for Russell Westbrook.

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