
"No reason for being fat, just put the fork down" - Charles Barkley wants to lose weight in order to play better at golf

Charles Barkley at the 2022 American Century Championship
Charles Barkley at the 2022 American Century Championship

Charles Barkley finished in 74th place at the 2022 American Century Championship. It was Barkley's best finish ever in the tournament he has been participating in for more than 30 years. The Hall of Fame forward believes he can play better in the future.

In a recent "The Next Round" podcast, Barkley revealed that he felt great at this year's tournament. He's happy with his performance but unhappy with his conditioning. The former NBA MVP believes he could have done better if he had more energy.

"I played the best I ever played," Barkley said. "I played really, really well. I was a little disappointed in myself the first day because I kind of quit on the last three holes. I was just tired and I was really pissed that night."

Barkley added that he learned a lot over that weekend. He wants to get in shape because he's getting better at playing golf. Legendary NFL running back Marcus Allen even pulled him aside and complimented his improvement. Allen advised him to get in shape to improve his game further.

"I got to get in better shape because I played great," Barkley said. "Marcus Allen pulled me aside and said, 'Man, I got to tell you something. I'm so pissed at you right now." I said, 'What is it?' He says, 'You are so much better than 20 more of these players but your lack of conditioning just kicked your a**.'"

The Philadelphia 76ers and Phoenix Suns legend has been losing weight due to intermittent fasting. Barkley was candid about gaining weight after hip surgery but lost around 50 pounds. He wants to shed more from his current weight and return in better shape next year.

"I'm down about 50 pounds. I've been doing the intermittent fasting thing where I've been eating one time a day," Barkley revealed. "I'm down 52 (pounds) but I gained 94 when I got my new hips. I just got to get in better shape ... No reason for being fat, man. Just put the fork down, Chuck."

Charles Barkley shows love to the LGBTQA+ community

Charles Barkley at the NCAA Men's Final Four - National Championship - Villanova v North Carolina
Charles Barkley at the NCAA Men's Final Four - National Championship - Villanova v North Carolina

During a weekend event at Harvey's Lake Tahoe Hotel, Charles Barkley showed love to the LGBTQA+ community. Barkley also has some harsh words for those who discriminate against LGBTQA+ people.

"I wanna say this. If you're gay and transgender, I love you," Barkley said as the crowd in attendance cheered. "And if anybody gives you s**t, you tell 'em Charles said, "F**k you!"

The "Inside the NBA" analyst has been an ally to the LGBTQA+ community since the mid-2000s. He expressed his support for same-sex marriage in 2006 and criticized North Carolina's "Bathroom Bill" in 2017. He even helped convince NBA commissioner Adam Silver to move the All-Star Game from Charlotte to New Orleans that year.

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