
Orlando Magic's Jonathan Isaac launches an alternative to $167,610,000,000 brand, claims it is "faith-based"

Jonathan Isaac will be swapping his Nikes for his recently launched brand, the UNITUS. The Orlando Magic forward who was with “The Swoosh” even when he was still in college, will be offering something new to everyone.

Here’s what he had to say about his values-backed company:

“I believe that values matter. In today’s day, when we do give our money to companies that don’t support our values, we’re co-signing their message. What I wanted to do was give freedom-loving Americans, faith-loving Americans the option to buy for their values.
“You’re buying into a company that stands for faith, family and freedom. It’s going to work to bolster their values and give you merch that supports those values and creates this community of people who wanna come together and see these values celebrated in the market and culture.”
yikes pic.twitter.com/hkOXvAX2wf

Isaac’s battle to sell his merchandise is a literal Davis versus Goliath matchup. Nike has reportedly been making roughly $23.7 billion in revenues since 2011, helping make it become a $167 billion juggernaut. It is a company that has been dominating its competitors such as Adidas, Puma, Under Armour, Gucci and others.

Jonathan Isaac may not be out to topple them, but he’s going all out to give everyone an alternative that’s aligned with their faith and values.

When asked about the reception from friends and the NBA community, Orlando Magic star had this to say:

“I’ve got a ton of love. People respect me for my courage of standing for what I believe in and doing things myself. Yes, I’ve got my fair share of negativity but I like to focus on the positive.
"It’s not about hating anybody, it’s not about going against anybody, it’s simply saying our values are valid and it deserves to be celebrated.

Wear what you love.. Without compromising what you believe.. UNITUS 🕊️🙏🏽 #TrueGreatness Shop today @ WeAreUnitus.com pic.twitter.com/f1q2LuteZ6

Also read: "The next billionaire": Jonathan Isaac anti-woke clothing line receives support online ahead of launch

Jonathan Isaac’s UNITUS will open with a clothing line

Jonathan Isaac sees a bright future for UNITUS but he wants to start where everyone can pick what they want for daily use. Here’s what he had to say about his company’s initial foray into clothing apparel:

“We have hoodies, t-shirts, sweatshirts [and] sweat pants. We’re gonna be coming up with a sneaker that’s closer to my NBA season that I’ll be wearing. We hope to get into every sphere so different sports, adults, kids.”

UNITUS’ logo, as Isaac explained, is a take on the “Arc of the Covenant.” The words, “True Greatness” can also be seen emblazoned across some of the merchandise. Names of Christian prophets and Bible passages are also easily visible.

Also read: "Y'all bench warmers do anything to be relevant these days" - Fans ridicule Jonathan Isaac's anti-woke clothing line UNITUS

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