
"Shaq, can he get a Papa John": Kisha Chavis' audacious statement forces Joe Smith to walk off

In light of the recent controversy between former NBA player Joe Smith and wife Kisha Chavis, both appeared together for the first time on the YouTube channel of Kevin Wesley.

As the interaction proceeded, Chavis admitted her mistakes to her husband and vowed not to do them again. However, she mentioned her expectations of Smith providing some solutions to their financial problems.

"I will talk to you next time before I do anything drastic. I apologize for not doing it this time but I will do it next time," said Chavis at the 37-minute mark of the video below. "I'll be more 'just look, I'm going to do this' and then you can say no or I don't want you to but I'm still probably going to do it anyway. If you are not going to show me something different, you know what I'm saying, if you can't guide me another way."

Chavis acknowledged that she regrets releasing a video depicting her and Smith arguing about her opening an OnlyFans account without his permission. She also iterated that she doesn't make a lot of bad decisions for their household but admits the situation got out of hand.

Moving forward, Chavis suggests to Wesley that Smith should come home to discuss their situation.

"I need him to come home. So it can save us. What I mean like people want to talk to him and I can't get him," said Chavis. "People want to see what he has to say and I just think he needs to come home so we can strategize and work together and make this the best that he could possibly be."

However, things turn out for the worse when Wesley tells Chavis to be more sensitive to what Joe is going through since the world already knows their marital problems.

"Well someone needs to help him then," said Smith. "Shaq, can he get a Papa John's?"

This caused Joe Smith to walk out of the intervention and never come back, leaving their situation unsettled.

WATCH: Joe Smith walks out on Kisha Chavis in an interview with Kevin Wesley at the 41:00 minute mark

Kevin Wesley shows Kisha Chavis why Joe Smith walked out

With the recent walkout of Joe Smith, Kevin Wesley fervently explains to Kisha Chavis that what she said to her husband was wrong and degrading to him as the provider of the family.

"Kish that was wrong. If you're saying if help should come from anybody outside of your husband, that is saying that you don't trust him. It's saying that you don't believe in him anymore," said Wesley. "So he's your provider. If you trusting in that, when he's not the provider, you as the wife is his help meet. When he's not the provider, you help."

The issue of Joe Smith and Kisha Chavis continues to be up in the air, with no solution in sight for the couple.

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