
Shaquille O'Neal once faced a lawsuit alleging involvement in plot to murder ex-gang member

In 2011, Shaquille O'Neal faced stunning allegations coming from Robert Ross, a former friend and business partner. Ross filed a lawsuit in the L.A. County Superior Court that shocked most basketball fans once TMZ got hold of the document.

In the lawsuit, Ross claimed:

"For many years O'Neal requested and directed [Ross] to perform many personal favors and directed him to perform various tasks including, but not limited to ordering [Ross] to kill a member of the Downtown Gangster Crips who had disrespected O'Neal in front of his wife Shaunie."
Shaquille O'Neal was hit with stunning allegations from Robert Ross in 2011.
Shaquille O'Neal was hit with stunning allegations from Robert Ross in 2011.

Ross’ allegations didn’t end there. The four-time NBA champ was also accused of ordering Ross “to kill a woman whom O’Neal impregnated” and whose abortion the retired athlete paid for.

The icing on the cake was, almost without surprise, basketball related. Robert Ross alleged that Shaquille O’Neal issued “an order to break an NBA player’s shooting arm.”

O’Neal’s legal team was quick to respond once the shocking allegations came out:

"The outlandish claims by Robert Ross in his civil complaint are pure fiction. Shaquille O'Neal befriended Mr. Ross in an attempt to help turn his life around.
"Sadly, Mr. Ross abused that friendship again and again. Shaquille's commitment to law enforcement is well-known and documented. He will not dignify these defamatory allegations with a response."

Robert Ross was a former gang member and music producer who once worked with O’Neal. He previously appeared and testified in 2008 that he was kidnapped and robbed by seven gang members who were allegedly following Shaq’s orders.

O’Neal, according to Ross, issued the said orders to retrieve an alleged sex tape featuring Shaq and one of his mistresses that Ross had hidden. He was later dropped as a reliable witness after admitting he lied about the sex tape.

The kidnapping and murder lawsuit filed against Shaquille O'Neal was eventually dismissed

Shaquille O'Neal took on the lawsuit filed against him and had it dismissed. Shaq blasted Robert Ross’ claims as “ludicrous.” The former basketball superstar also called the erstwhile music producer an “admitted felon and perjurer.”

O’Neal’s legal team asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit as the events took place more than three years before Ross filed his claim. Judge Jacqueline Nguyen interpreted the law in the same way as Shaq's lawyers did.

The judge granted the LA Lakers legend's motion to dismiss the said claims with prejudice.

Also read: Is Shaquille O'Neal a real cop? Taking a closer look at NBA legend's career as sheriff

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