
“Who wants Mike D’Antoni as the coach?… Is that gonna happen if James Harden is looking all world?” - Stephen A. Smith questions if James Harden is struggling on purpose

James Harden is not living up to expectations for Philly, but Stephen A thinks it is on purpose.
James Harden is not living up to expectations for Philly, but Stephen A thinks it is on purpose.

Stephen A. Smith believes James Harden's poor performance is related to his desire for a head coaching change rather than declining athleticism. Smith pointed to Harden's track record of manipulation as the reason for his skepticism, stating:

"Has James Harden really lost that much of a step, JJ Redick? Or is it that you wanted to get out of Houston so you got to Brooklyn? Then when you got to Brooklyn, you really wanted to get to Philly, so obviously you told Steve Nash one thing you do another."

Stephen A. Smith claimed Harden's sub-par play will force the Philadelphia 76ers to fire Doc Rivers in favor of Mike D'Antoni. Smith said:

"You end up getting out the door, which is what you really wanted, because we know what he's willing to do, and now you're in Philly and all these rumours are circulating that if things don't work out, Doc Rivers is gonna be gone and Mike D'Antoni is gonna be in there."

The possibility of Mike D'Antoni becoming the head coach of the Philadelphia 76ers makes sense, given his connection to Harden. Former Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey is also their president of basketball operations.

Smith pointed to the trio of former Rockets as the reason D'Antoni will likely be first in line for the head coaching position, stating:

"Who wants Mike D'Antoni as the coach? We all know Daryl Morey is one of them and James Harden is another. Is that gonna happen if James Harden is looking all-world? Is that gonna happen if Philadelphia is winning?"

Philadelphia traded for Harden to try to win a championship, but the superstar guard has struggled immensely in the playoffs.

James Harden's play has been so far below his usual standards that Stephen A. Smith believes the Harden may be playing poorly on purpose.

Harden had his MVP season under Mike D'Antoni and Daryl Morey, so playing under them again could help him return to that level. His poor play could potentially force that issue, especially with Doc Rivers' track record.

Stephen A Smith's conclusion about James Harden and the Philadelphia 76ers does fit their current storyline.

Harden and Doc Rivers have two of the worst playoff resumes in the NBA.
Harden and Doc Rivers have two of the worst playoff resumes in the NBA.

Despite winning a championship in 2008 as the head coach of the Boston Celtics, Doc Rivers has just four more wins than losses in the playoffs.

A potentially blown 3-0 lead against the Toronto Raptors would fall in line with his teams' tendency to blow series leads.

A Philadelphia team coached by Doc Rivers with James Harden on it blowing a 3-0 lead might break the Internet. I mean that seriously might be the thing that does it.

Given that the 76ers just acquired Harden and are unlikely to move on from him. Doc Rivers would be the likeliest candidate to be blamed for a reverse sweep.

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